It’s hard to want to dissect something so… cute.
The little dragon is writhing about her metal cage, coiling I’m on herself only to spring forward again and again. Her little fangs are bared, pristine and white, and something resembling smoke rises from her nostrils.
He knew the Red One breathed fire. This one was blue— she probably did, too. There wasn’t much in his research to suggest otherwise. He wanted to test it.
Rotwood whistled.
“Over here, little scaley beast,” he chided in his thick accent, producing a wooden stick from his table of tools. He shoved it into the bars to provoke her. Instead of fire, he felt the little dragon chomp down onto it.
“No, no! Use your fire breath! Or whatever you have,” he scolded. She didn’t. She just chewed the stick a bit more before grabbing it in her talons and pulling.
Despite her size, she was strong. The stick was yanked out of his hands and into the metal cage. He yelped, observing the splinters it had given him. Grumbling in frustration, he chose another method.
The Red One had breathed fire AT him, and he was relatively confident in his ability to jump away before more than his eyebrows were singed, so he stuck his face near the metal, barred window at the front of the structure. He could see the little dragon coiled up like an angry cat.
She had large eyes and little nub horns. The Red One didn’t have horns, so he assumed each dragon was different. This one had a similar frill, though larger and more rounded. Her tail was twice the length of her body and, no matter what, always looped around itself. She looked like a gentle little wave on the shore.
The blue one snorted indignantly, but didn’t approach. She watched him intently, uncertain. Did she not want to attack him? He was pretty sure dragons were vicious, dangerous beasts, though that was a hard point to argue when looking at this one.
Huh. She had little pearl bracelets. He’d remember that if she ever escaped.
The dragon snapped her little teeth. He didn’t remember the Red One growling, at least, not in the way a beast might. Perhaps they were like jaguars? Or, more likely, humans. He knew about their magical glamor and trickery. Maybe this one was to frightened to make noise?
#AmericanDragon #AmericanDragonJakeLong #ProfessorRotwood #Underage
(Will tag as needed going forward)
#ficlet #americandragon #americandragonjakelong #professorrotwood #underage