Fair enough.
We see reports like this all the time and they always seem to elevate the flawed #profitLoss based #taxation methodology and decry greater #enforcement, which won't work. The #kleptocrats know how to engineer losses.
Following on from #HenryGeorge and his book #ProgressAndPoverty, the best way forward is still a Progressive Land Tax on Improved (Rental) Value.
#profitLoss #taxation #enforcement #kleptocrats #HenryGeorge #ProgressAndPoverty
Yes, the greater the rentalValue a property is the more tax, progressive from 15-50% of a years rental value.
The more land you own the closer to 50% you would get, that's what makes it "progressive".
#IncomeTax needs to go, thats part of the #profitLoss shenanigans.
What if on tax day, We the People (aka govt) rolled a dice…
And if the number is a 1 to 3 then, forget #profitLoss based taxes and Progressive #IncomeTax. Instead tax is squarely focused on Progressive Land Tax based on the improved value of the #land (aka #rentalValue).
What do you think?
Can some 'constructive ambiguity' help to limit the excesses and destructive behaviours of the #kleptocratic few.
(In Australia we already have a GST and we are not suggesting changing that)
#rentalValue #kleptocratic #profitLoss #incometax #land
*Silently supports a #ProgressiveLandTax based on #rentalValue of the #land, because the extremely wealthy and well-connected game #profitLoss-based #taxation so they never pay taxes.*
Also #incomeTax doesn't much sense, when compared to #consumption and #landTax'es
And some people just own too much land and engage in #rentseeking that drains the real #economy.
#ProgressiveLandTax #rentalValue #land #profitLoss #taxation #incometax #consumption #LandTax #rentSeeking #economy #HenryGeorge #Georgism #geoism
Agree, those techBros are aimed at preteens. Yes, #corporatists and #rentSeekers are awful and pervert our democratic institutions.
Removing the #profitLoss-based loopholes in our #tax systems and introducing a #ProgressiveLandTax based on total #RentalValue owned by an individual, would help to pay for a #UBI. Then things can improve.
Currently unless you are a #wageSlave, digging holes to fill up, you are unworthy. The opposite is oft true, that every day becomes a workday.
#corporatists #rentseekers #profitLoss #tax #ProgressiveLandTax #rentalValue #ubi #wageslave
Is it possible to radically simplify #tax and #socialSecurity by removing all #profitLoss garbage, so manipulated by the #powerElite, to instead focus all taxes on #landTax (based on #rentalValue/#salePrice) and #GST (on #manufactured/#nonEssential items, see #Australia)?
A #btcFuture will be different. It could be more #equitable…
…but only if we demand it.
LandTax could start at 15% of the rental value and increase based on the amount of #landValue owned by the person, to 50%.
#tax #socialsecurity #profitLoss #powerElite #LandTax #rentalValue #gst #manufactured #australia #btcFuture #equitable #landValue
#LandTax is supposed to be 15% of what you might get as #rent if you rented the property.
This is designed to spread the #tax load over the #extremelyWealthy, who have land that is a lot more #productive and/or in the expensive areas, when compared to most peoples' land.
Currently we are being forced to pay more because the extremely wealthy use phony #profitLoss statements, #blindTrusts, #taxhavens and other tricks.
There is a fairer system kept hidden.
@nerdman @kaikatsu @kino
#LandTax #rent #tax #extremelyWealthy #productive #profitLoss #blindtrusts #taxHavens