Fair enough.

We see reports like this all the time and they always seem to elevate the flawed based methodology and decry greater , which won't work. The know how to engineer losses.

Following on from and his book , the best way forward is still a Progressive Land Tax on Improved (Rental) Value.

#profitLoss #taxation #enforcement #kleptocrats #HenryGeorge #ProgressAndPoverty

Last updated 4 years ago

Yes, the greater the rentalValue a property is the more tax, progressive from 15-50% of a years rental value.

The more land you own the closer to 50% you would get, that's what makes it "progressive".

needs to go, thats part of the shenanigans.

#incometax #profitLoss

Last updated 4 years ago


What if on tax day, We the People (aka govt) rolled a dice…

And if the number is a 1 to 3 then, forget based taxes and Progressive . Instead tax is squarely focused on Progressive Land Tax based on the improved value of the (aka ).

What do you think?

Can some 'constructive ambiguity' help to limit the excesses and destructive behaviours of the few.

(In Australia we already have a GST and we are not suggesting changing that)

#rentalValue #kleptocratic #profitLoss #incometax #land

Last updated 4 years ago

*Silently supports a based on of the , because the extremely wealthy and well-connected game -based so they never pay taxes.*

Also doesn't much sense, when compared to and 'es

And some people just own too much land and engage in that drains the real .

#ProgressiveLandTax #rentalValue #land #profitLoss #taxation #incometax #consumption #LandTax #rentSeeking #economy #HenryGeorge #Georgism #geoism

Last updated 4 years ago

Agree, those techBros are aimed at preteens. Yes, and are awful and pervert our democratic institutions.

Removing the -based loopholes in our systems and introducing a based on total owned by an individual, would help to pay for a . Then things can improve.

Currently unless you are a , digging holes to fill up, you are unworthy. The opposite is oft true, that every day becomes a workday.

#corporatists #rentseekers #profitLoss #tax #ProgressiveLandTax #rentalValue #ubi #wageslave

Last updated 4 years ago

Is it possible to radically simplify and by removing all garbage, so manipulated by the , to instead focus all taxes on (based on /#salePrice) and (on /#nonEssential items, see )?

A will be different. It could be more

…but only if we demand it.

LandTax could start at 15% of the rental value and increase based on the amount of owned by the person, to 50%.


#tax #socialsecurity #profitLoss #powerElite #LandTax #rentalValue #gst #manufactured #australia #btcFuture #equitable #landValue

Last updated 4 years ago

is supposed to be 15% of what you might get as if you rented the property.

This is designed to spread the load over the , who have land that is a lot more and/or in the expensive areas, when compared to most peoples' land.

Currently we are being forced to pay more because the extremely wealthy use phony statements, , and other tricks.

There is a fairer system kept hidden.
@nerdman @kaikatsu @kino

#LandTax #rent #tax #extremelyWealthy #productive #profitLoss #blindtrusts #taxHavens

Last updated 5 years ago