"Sending a 'special' message
The homemade labels, made to look like real Woolworths and Coles shelf tickets, have been placed in stores across Australia.
They highlight the big profits the businesses have made in the past year, the high wages of executives, the affordability of food,
and the issue of food wastage.
One message labelled as a 'special' with a Woolworths logo on it reads: "We understand that times are tough, and that’s why we pay our CEO over $20,000 a day.""
#Woolworths #Coles #Supermarket #Activism #Affordability #Food #Greed #Profiteering #Australia
#woolworths #coles #supermarket #activism #affordability #food #greed #profiteering #australia
Childcare – a grim tale | Morning Star
#childcare #privateinvestors #Murty #KoruKids #profiteering #shepherd #ChildcareCosts #ChildcareShortage
"Ever since the greedflation crisis began, the Bank of England has been attacking workers’ wages while downplaying corporate profiteering.
“Now the central bank’s own analysis supports what Unite has argued all along about inflation. Companies are raising prices simply to boost their own profit margins.”
Sharon Graham, General Secretary of Unite
#Greedflation #Inflation #Profiteering #BankOfEngland #InterestRates
#interestrates #bankofengland #profiteering #Inflation #greedflation
I shall #AlsoAlsoAdd...
#DontForget all those #VestedInterests... | #Racketeering and #Profiteering
🧙⚔️ 🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠☕
#alsoalsoadd #dontforget #vestedinterests #racketeering #profiteering
How about that #moneyPrinter!
Interview with Prof. #JayatiGhosh about corporate #profiteering and #tillony behind the #foodCrisis, not the Ukraine proxy conflict.
"The future will be messy. It's going to be very complicated and messy, but I would argue that the process has already started. The world lost faith, lost trust in the global north during the pandemic."
#moneyPrinter #JayatiGhosh #profiteering #tillony #foodcrisis #inequality #rt #podcast #moneyPrinterGoDrr #covid #divest
Reading newspaper reports about Coles and Woolworths crying victim of shop lifting after making record profits in the billion$ is bullshit. Not only do ordinary people suffer the consequences of high inflation, we get our every habit #surveilled while we are forced to buy food from a duopoly who jack up their margins in response.
#surveilled #profiteering #inflation
After the devastation of World War One, between 1917-1926 the UK government introduced the "excess profits duty" (tax) of 80% of profits above "pre-war standard profits".
Today, when grotesque profits are being made by big business out of the (so-called) "cost of living crisis", surely it's time for a similar period of excess profit tax?
Surely, it's big businesses "duty" to help us all out in this time of crisis?
Or is this only a "crisis" for the poor?
I won't hold my breath.
#WindfallTax #profiteering #capitalism #BigBusiness #tax #ExcessProfitsTax #profiteering #CostOfLivingCrisis #uk #ukPolitics
#windfalltax #profiteering #capitalism #bigBusiness #tax #excessprofitstax #Costoflivingcrisis #uk #ukpolitics
One half of Australia's supermarket duopoly, #Coles reported their profits rose by considerably more than their modest increase in sales volume and despite rapidly rising shoplifting amidst a #CostOfLiving squeeze. This is strongly suggestive of corporate #profiteering - confirming other studies that have revealed the duopoly's willingness to exploit an inflationary period by jacking up prices beyond the implications of any supply disruptions.
Yet the #InvisibleHandOfTheMarket * in its infinite and ineffable wisdom gave the Coles share price a spanking at this news, apparently for not profiteering hard enough.
*as always, wherever you see/hear the phrase #TheMarket it is necessary to translate this into "the desires and priorities of very wealthy people", who own the vast majority of corporate shares.
#Auspol #plutocracy #inflation #greed
#coles #CostOfLiving #profiteering #invisiblehandofthemarket #themarket #auspol #plutocracy #inflation #greed
This ⤵️ from The People’s’ Assembly:
National Demonstration to Protest The #Tory Party Conference in #Manchester on October 1st
“The #Tories have the audacity to return to Manchester in October for their annual conference. It's crucial we collectively come together en-masse to give them the biggest, boldest and loudest unwelcome!
This vile, vicious and corrupt government cannot be allowed to attend their conference without opposition. Their programme of ideological and unnecessary #austerity, #privatisation, #profiteering, #deregulation attacks on our democratic rights to protest and organise at work (and so much more) must be resisted.
It's crucial we fight back, resist the transfer of wealth to the very rich they and crush all attempts to weaken and demoralise us as a class. History tells us that when ordinary working class people come together on the issues we agree on, get organised and collectively fight back in big numbers, we force our governments to meet our political demands..
Achieving the right to vote, trade union rights, our welfare state and NHS, abolishing slavery (and more) were all achieved despite massive opposition and against huge odds. Our ancestors refused to give up, so we must refuse to be discouraged and continue our fight for the better, fairer world we deserve.
First we get rid of the Tories. Then we look at next steps and strongly hold to account any subsequent government that does not act in our interests.”
#tory #manchester #tories #austerity #privatisation #profiteering #deregulation
„Contrary to popular belief, the war in #Ukraine has not led to a global shortage of #wheat. While global #hunger has surged in recent years, the way to address the current #foodcrisis is by focusing on its real causes: financial #speculation and corporate #profiteering.“ (@JayatiGhosh ) https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/there-is-no-global-grain-shortage-by-jayati-ghosh-2023-08
#ukraine #wheat #Hunger #foodcrisis #speculation #profiteering
Make Privatisation Illegal
Stop the failed profit driven evil of society. Privatisation brings the world down in a sinking ship of managers who ignore good services because they are only focused on shareholders and profit. A nationalised company can still be profitable to breakeven. It’s not important to make millions its more important to provide good services for all.
#privatisation #nationalisation #profiteering #SocialGood #AntiFashism #politics #socialism
#socialism #politics #antifashism #socialgood #profiteering #nationalisation #privatisation
Nate Levenson: Advising Louisiana Classrooms from His Wealth of Nonexperience. - Easy money for education scammers in and around the big easy. https://deutsch29.wordpress.com/2023/07/30/nate-levenson-advising-louisiana-classrooms-from-his-wealth-of-nonexperience/ #profiteering
"The total is likely much higher, but public reporting only sheds light on the most high profile instances of profiteering, and he is only required to report certain types of income on his tax returns."
#trump #profiteering #middleeast #presidency
"Donald Trump made at least $9.6 million from countries in the Middle East during his presidency, according to years of reporting and a CREW analysis of his tax returns. That means Trump pulled in at least six times his official presidential salary in side income from the Middle East alone during his time in office."
~ Rebecca Jacobs
#trump #profiteering #middleeast #presidency
#Trump made at least $9.6 million from #MiddleEast countries during presidency, according 2 years o reporting & a #CREW analysis o his #tax returns. That means he pulled in at least 6X his official presidential salary in side income from Middle East alone during time in office. Total is likely much higher, public reporting only sheds light on most high profile instances o #profiteering, & he is only required 2 report certain types of income on his tax returns.
#breaking #trump #middleeast #crew #tax #profiteering
Just Treatment.
Last week it was revealed that giant pharmaceutical companies have made over £12bn in excess profits from selling just 10 drugs to the NHS over the last decade.
In a new report we worked on with our friends at Global Justice Now and STOPAIDS, we found that drugs used to treat cancers, arthritis and for blood clot prevention are being sold to the NHS with mark-ups of up to 23,000% on the estimated cost of production.
#healthcare #health #profiteering #nhssos #bigpharma
@finn Is there a more damaging #superstition abroad in the world than the supposed #efficiency of #privatisation? It's only efficient at #profiteering. Because that's all it's there for.
#profiteering #privatisation #efficiency #superstition
Meanwhile, as corporate profits soar.....
"The number of UK households struggling with heavy debt has increased by two thirds since 2017, according to new analysis. Debt Justice, a charity that campaigns against unjust debt, has found that about 12.8 million adults in the UK are falling behind on bills or finding repayments a heavy burden"
#Debt #Poverty #Economics #Profiteering #Inflation #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #Inflation #profiteering #economics #poverty #debt
— ‘With the UK’s inflation stuck at 8.7% in May and food inflation above 18%, even as prices tumble across most of Europe and the US, is it any wonder Which? surveys show that consumer trust in UK supermarkets has fallen to a nine-year low.
Meanwhile, economists in growing numbers have calculated that profits make up the biggest slice of rising prices this century and can be blamed for pushing inflation to its highest level in 30 years.’