How Can We Protect Land Defenders from Increasing Violence?
Safeguarding Land Defenders: Taking Action to Stop Violence • Stop Violence: Protecting Land Defenders • Learn how to protect land defenders from increasing violence and make a difference in creating safer environments. Discover the crucial steps to raise awareness, involve local authorities, support organizations, petition governments, and leverage social media. Join the fight for a better, sustainable world!
#jointhefight #protect #landdefenders #violence #profitmotive #directaction #getinvolved #learnhow
#jointhefight #protect #landdefenders #violence #profitmotive #directaction #getinvolved #learnhow
The Real Free Speech Threat
A multimedia, cross-border investigation into the global effort to criminalize environmental and climate protest.
#climatbattle #fossilfuel #global #climatewar #profitmotive #death #suffering #freespeech #freedom #life #crimesagainsthumanity #deathcult
#climatbattle #fossilfuel #global #climatewar #profitmotive #death #suffering #freespeech #freedom #life #crimesagainsthumanity #deathcult
that is the latest spin to delay system change…
Protecting the Amazon requires fresh thinking, eminent ecologist argues
When it comes to the trajectory of Amazon deforestation, “we’re in a bad spot,” according to ecologist and conservation biologist Tim Killeen. With 30 years of experience living and working in South America and participating in the first environmental impact study conducted in Bolivia, Killeen has unique insight into the drivers of deforestation.
#capitalism #climate #incompatible #profitmotive #disconnectedfromnature #commodificaiton #nature #destruction #pipedreams #delays #ecocidetrajectory
#capitalism #climate #incompatible #profitmotive #disconnectedfromnature #commodificaiton #nature #destruction #pipedreams #delays #ecocidetrajectory
Honest Government Ad | COP31 Australia & Pacific Nations
The Australien Government has made an ad to support its bid to the host COP31, the 2026 UNFCCC Climate Summit, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
#Canapés #australia #COP31 #climatesummit #bigoil #fracking #climateblocking #profitmotive #bribery #corruption
#canapes #australia #cop31 #climatesummit #bigoil #fracking #climateblocking #profitmotive #bribery #corruption
The Oil Industry Makes Its Own Rules in Canada’s Tar Sands
An oil refinery processing tar sands crude without permits for over two decades showcases Alberta’s need for regulation. But with the Trudeau Liberals’ history of giving Big Oil no-strings-attached cash, it’s doubtful that the cavalry is coming anytime soon.
#planetkiller #illegal #corruptgovernment #WEF #Trudeau #neoliberalism #corporatewelfare #noregulation #profitmotive #bribery
#planetkiller #illegal #corruptgovernment #wef #trudeau #neoliberalism #corporatewelfare #noregulation #profitmotive #bribery
Seize the Hospitals! ...But How?
In May of 2023 several Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN) militants organizing in the healthcare sector attended the Health Autonomy Convergence (HAC) in Durham, North Carolina. This is their collective reflection on and analysis of the event and of the prospects for radical labor organizing in healthcare more generally.
#healthcare #healthcareaccess #healthcareworkers #workers #understaffing #corporateprofits #hospitalsafety #medicalracism #systemicracism #paywall #investors #profitmotive #organizing #peopleoverprofit
#healthcare #healthcareaccess #healthcareworkers #workers #understaffing #corporateprofits #hospitalsafety #medicalracism #systemicracism #paywall #investors #profitmotive #organizing #peopleoverprofit
how long will we let children be victimized by profit hungry corporations?
Labor Department Finds 44% Increase In Illegal Child Laborers Since October
The new numbers came as bi-partisan lawmakers ripped federal efforts to protect unaccompanied migrant children from illegal labor and abusive sponsors.
#fascism #childabuse #deaths #injuries #lostchildhood #schoolsuffers #exploitation #humantrafficking #childkillers #profitmotive
#fascism #childabuse #deaths #injuries #lostchildhood #schoolsuffers #exploitation #humantrafficking #childkillers #profitmotive
why is this even a consideration in these eco-collapse times?
Deep-sea mining meetings conclude after stalemate on key agenda items
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Negotiations broke down at deep-sea mining meetings that recently took place in Jamaica, exposing deep rifts within the International Seabed Authority, the U.N.-associated body tasked with governing seabed mining while protecting the ocean. Delegates eventually reached a partial compromise on July 28, during the final hours of the meeting.
#stressedecosystem #profitmotive #ecocollapse #seabed #mining #ISA #meeting #Jamaica #UN
#stressedecosystem #profitmotive #ecocollapse #seabed #mining #isa #meeting #jamaica #un
property is everything and lives mean nothing according to our capitalist propaganda media.
Anti-Propaganda Against French Protests
Mainstream media were obsessed with the property damage during protests in France after Nahel Merzouk's death, while the racist police killing took a back seat. This clip from our Special Report shows the perspective of those in the Banlieues (suburbs), who call the violent protests "self-defense" in the face of murder, assault, and harassment.
#engineeringfascism #propaganda #bougie #capitalist #fascistmedia #inhuman #spin #profitmotive #christofascist #handlers
#engineeringfascism #propaganda #bougie #capitalist #fascistmedia #inhuman #spin #profitmotive #christofascist #handlers
The Illusion of Democracy: Who Really Controls our Lives?
Life is about choice. What we eat, what we read, who we elect; every day we make choices that determine how we want to live. But what if these choices are just an illusion? In an era where regulations and red tape rule every industry, where lobby groups and big business wield more influence than ever before, our daily choices have become increasingly limited. Focusing on key areas such as food, medicine, finance, and media, Freedom From Choice provides viewers with a glimpse at the myriad of ways their lives are being dictated, and tells us who stands to gain.
#market #manipulation #bribery #politicians #capitalistscheat #profitmotive #healthimpact #safetyimpact #choiceslimited #capitalism #representation #indirectplutocracy
#market #manipulation #bribery #politicians #capitalistscheat #profitmotive #healthimpact #safetyimpact #choiceslimited #capitalism #representation #indirectplutocracy
Insurers Exploit Climate Crisis To Gut Consumer Protections
To keep covering homes amid the ravages of climate change, big insurance companies want California to slash its landmark price-gouging rules.
#gougeaway #capitalism #profitmotive #insurance #protection
'I'm doing this to prevent ecocide and genocide for the children of the future...this is what we have to do now. It's unraveling. This is what it's come to. This isn't something that will happen in the future it's started to happen now.'
via @camerazoe
@JustStopOil #arrested #ClimateActionNow #climate #fascism #boughttyranny #bribery #globalassault #bigoil #ecocide #profitmotive
#arrested #climateactionnow #climate #fascism #boughttyranny #bribery #globalassault #bigoil #ecocide #profitmotive
Big Oil is Failing the Planet by Walking Back on Climate Pledges
“The fossil fuel industry has massively profited from selling a dangerous product and now innocent people and governments across the globe are paying the price for their recklessness,” Naomi Oreskes, a history of science professor at Harvard University who studies the oil industry, said.
#profitmotive #ecocide #climate #addictedtogreed #collusion #captured #bribery #government #foodchaincollapse #extinction
#profitmotive #ecocide #climate #addictedtogreed #collusion #captured #bribery #government #foodchaincollapse #extinction
Can we outlaw the profit motive? 🤔
"People worry about the world getting destroyed by machines driven by a heartless artificial intelligence, but we might end up destroying it with a kind of artificial mind we invented long before microchips: the corporation."
#ProfitMotive #Capitalism #TotalitarianCapitalism
#profitmotive #capitalism #totalitariancapitalism
If you're wondering why we seemingly can't solve our larger societal problems, it's obvious!
Another incredible piece by #CaitlinJohnstone
Profit-Driven Systems Are Driving Us To Our Doom
#plannedObsolescence #Capitalism #instapot #coryDoctorow #RightToRepair #sustainability #profitMotive
#profitmotive #sustainability #righttorepair #corydoctorow #instapot #capitalism #plannedobsolescence #caitlinjohnstone
This Is The Greediest "Non-Profit" Hospital In America
Most of America's hospitals are "nonprofits" that increasingly exist to enrich executives by leveraging huge tax breaks.
We found the greediest one of all, UPMC in Pittsburgh, where execs raked in $225 million while miring working class patients in medical debt.
#debtslavery #greed #nonprofit #profitmotive #structuralviolence #impunity #death
#debtslavery #greed #nonprofit #profitmotive #structuralviolence #impunity #death
The Brainwashing of My Dad - Official Trailer
What happened to her dad? Was there anything she could do to help? And, most importantly, would he ever be his lovable self again? Jen began the search for answers, and found them... as well stories from countless other families like her own. The Brainwashing of My Dad uncovers the alarming right-wing strategy to wield the media as a weapon against our very democracy. Jen's story shows us how Fox News and other ultra-conservative media outlets are reshaping the way millions of Americans view the world, and encourages us to fight back.
#PsychologicalWarfare #Brainwashing #profitmotive #corruption #extremism #designersociopath #dad #MediaAsAWeapon #classwar #hatemedia
#PsychologicalWarfare #brainwashing #profitmotive #corruption #extremism #designersociopath #dad #mediaasaweapon #classwar #hatemedia
UNCENSORED: We Need To Talk About The Covid Vaccine | Dr Aseem Malhotra
It seems we might need to look more closely at new findings on some issues associated with MRNA Covid vaccines.
They'e saved millions of lives but there is compelling data that implies their use should be limited to the over 50's
Interestingly, this same video from Double Down News is censored on YouTube where discussion of the topic is banned.
I'm fully vaccinated, I believe in the scientific method but don't trust Big Pharma.
#VaccineHesitancy #Covid #BigPharma #ProfitMotive #censorship
#vaccinehesitancy #covid #bigpharma #profitmotive #censorship
@phoebebarton once we execute capitalism, the rest will be relatively easily rectified. Even religious violence is promoted from the top by #ProfitMotive
Costco just earned a #buy from me.
This Young Turks video helps me understand how #WallStreet holds us hostage. #inflation in this #economy is #ProfitMotive driven and helps the most wealthy.
#buy #wallstreet #inflation #economy #profitmotive