Every single company & government still doing business with #russia is an example of the #profitoverpeople mindset.
The idea that greed is a virtue is destroying the world, literally
Modern Capitalist Exploitation: The Industrial Revolution
Discover the harsh realities of entrepreneurialism during the Industrial Revolution in this eye-opening video. Join us as we delve into the profound impact of new technologies, the rise of consumerism, and the plight of the working class. From the textile industry's revolution to the manipulative tactics employed by entrepreneurs, we uncover the hidden truths behind the era's so-called successes. Explore the human cost of cheap goods, the ruthless exploitation of laborers, and the commodification of time. Brace yourself for a thought-provoking exploration of the true face of entrepreneurship during a pivotal period in history.
#IndustrialRevolution #Entrepreneurialism #TechnologicalAdvancements #Exploitation #LaborConditions #CheapGoods #SocietalImpacts #HumanCost #ProfitOverPeople #ProgressOrPain #HistoricalAnalysis #SocietyandBusiness #RevolutionaryEra #EthicsandCommerce #LessonsFromThePast
#IndustrialRevolution #entrepreneurialism #technologicaladvancements #exploitation #laborconditions #cheapgoods #societalimpacts #humancost #profitoverpeople #progressorpain #historicalanalysis #societyandbusiness #revolutionaryera #ethicsandcommerce #lessonsfromthepast
#Brazilian lawmakers vote to limit recognition of Indigenous reserves
Disappointing. #profitoverpeople
8 dump trucks sat idling on North Road all day yesterday, burning oil en masse while destructively digging a dirty oil pipeline through a previously protected area.
The #bcndp & #TMX are actively committed to #profitoverpeople as they openly pollute our neighbourhoods, threaten to arrest us with permanent legal signage & regularly disrupt local traffic.
#Canada is a dirty oil country. Humanity deserves all the havoc #climatechange will reek on us.
#BCNDP #tmx #profitoverpeople #canada #climatechange #stoptmx #climatecrisis #BCpoli #cdnpoli
@NovaNaturalist ⬆️ ⬆️ More hashtags⬆️ ⬆️ , so others discover this.
#NSPoli #TimHouston #TimHoustonNS #Healthcare #covid #CovidDeaths #Deaths #NovaScotia #Conservatives #Secrets #ProfitOverPeople #NSGov
#nspoli #timhouston #timhoustonns #healthcare #COVID #coviddeaths #deaths #novascotia #conservatives #secrets #profitoverpeople #nsgov
The cage is going back up 😭😭
Bloor Homes are preparing to murder our tree on Monday or will they turn up before?? 🤔🤔https://www.facebook.com/Save-the-Holt-Farm-Oak-Tree-Other-Rochford-Street-Trees-110282461683207/
#holtfarmoak #bloorhomes #ProfitOverPeople #CrimesAgainstChildren #bloor #TorySleaze @holt_farm_oak
#holtfarmoak #bloorhomes #profitoverpeople #crimesagainstchildren #bloor #torysleaze
Big Oil on course for near-record $38bn in share buybacks
Seven majors set for supercharged stock purchasing on top of estimated $50bn of dividends.
Money to shareholders not consumers not investing in clean energy. So your prices will remain high. Tough .
#fossilfuels #profitoverpeople #greed
#Republicans will do anything to perpetuate the yearly slaughter of tens of thousands of Americans at the alter of #Gun industry profits and those fat #NRA envelopes.
#republicans #gun #nra #guncontrol #stopthegunslaughter #profitoverpeople
Been rereading "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote. This is a novelization into a mass murder.
He interviewed many people for it and quotes them in places. One of them is the insurance agent that sold Mr Clutter an insurance policy just a few hours before he was murdered.
In this quote the insurance agent and his manager discuss if they will honor the policy. He states "Naturally, we decided to do the moral thing"
I cannot imagine a modern company doing that.
#profitoverpeople #anticapitalism
?: do customers whose credit scores dropped get corrected? Are their accts going 2 see the return of $? If they claimed bankruptcy, died from related probs, divorced, or leaned too hard on negative coping, are they compensated? If lost everything, do they get it back? Why does #WellsFargo stay in business at all? No excuses/privileges bestowed to clients. Is the money enough? #CorporatePrivileges #ProfitOverPeople
Wells Fargo to Pay $3.7B for Consumer Banking Violations https://nyti.ms/3VeiCMq
#wellsfargo #corporateprivileges #profitoverpeople
?: do customers whose credit scores dropped get corrected? Are their accts going 2 see the return of $? If they claimed bankruptcy, died from related probs, divorced, or leaned too hard on negative coping, are they compensated? If lost everything, do they get it back? Why does #WellsFargo stay in business at all? No excuses/privileges bestowed to clients. Is the money enough? #CorporatePrivileges #ProfitOverPeople
Wells Fargo to Pay $3.7B for Consumer Banking Violations https://nyti.ms/3VeiCMq
#wellsfargo #corporateprivileges #profitoverpeople
#ProfitOverPeople Der Tagebau wächst seit 35 Jahren stetig, den jüngsten Daten zufolge werden dort 108.000 Tonnen Steinkohle pro Tag gefördert. Im Schnitt 30 Mio l H2O /d verbraucht, und das in einem Halbwüstengebiet. Für die #transnationalen Unternehmen, bedeutet er beträchtliche Gewinne. Dabei haben sie immer den Schutz der kolumbianischen Regierung genossen, außerdem konnten sie auf Korruption und den Paramilitarismus zählen. Und das alles zum ständigen Nachteil der Wayuu
#transnationalen #profitoverpeople