@rodhilton I’m pretty pissed at right wingers and a lot of politicians that put #profitsoverpeople if you want to look into why the last CDC director quit, yeah it’s not just right wingers though they are a freaking huge problem case in point
And no this isn’t a damn both sides, the gop is worse but don’t be blind
The problem is the wealthy
@gwensnyder counterpoint: what we lose to massive price gouging and insane profit levels is far more than shoplifting but hey #nytimes you give not a damn because #profitsoverpeople right?
@jrefior bahhh they don’t care they just factor such pain misery & death into their profit & loss calculations and keep right on going
It’s business
@ai6yr but hey #corporations are better for us than the #government right?
Well except we get a vote in government and corporations are #ProfitsOverPeople
#corporations #government #profitsoverpeople
@TexasObserver @josephinelee the #gop is just the puppets of unelected #billionaires who run the show with the principle of #ProfitsOverPeople
#gop #billionaires #profitsoverpeople
So #Russia is seizing more western business assets.
Wtf are you still doing business in that country for?
Oh because you are greedy bastards that believe in #profitsoverpeople
What is this half-a$$ crap still doing biz with a country invading another stealing children and just murdering the hell out of people and claiming they don’t exist as a people?
Blackmail much!!!
#oilandgas #blackmail #peopkesuckedin #weareallgoingtodie #profitsoverpeople
#oilandgas #blackmail #peopkesuckedin #weareallgoingtodie #profitsoverpeople
@davidaugust #ProfitsOverPeople is the guiding principle of corporate America and it has been on a meth driven steroid rage rampage for 40 years. Covered up by smiling PR b.s. saying the exact opposite with all the spit and polish of an army of ad executives, literally
How the #rail industry has put #profitsoverpeople for decades
Mrs. Ref works in the oncology dept at the local medical facility. She has a patient whose meds have a $3000 copay. I told her, “If I ever need a medicine that has a $3000 copay, I’m going to die.”
#ushealthcare #healthinsurance #profitsoverpeople
#England's] #WaterCompanies criticised for passing £10bn #sewage bill on to customers.
Clean #water activists say industry’s promise to reduce #pollution should not be taken on trust
#profitsoverpeople #torypoliciesinaction #pollution #water #sewage #watercompanies #england
Meanwhile, profits soar again, stockholders are happy, and tens of thousands of highly skilled people are left twisting in the breeze.
Don’t kid yourself. The tech sector didn’t “overhire.” They finally brought in the right number of people to get the job done, and we were the ones punished for it.
#tech #openforwork #overhire #layoffs #profitsoverpeople #rightsizing #people #comment
5/5 -30-
#tech #openforwork #overhire #layoffs #profitsoverpeople #rightsizing #people #comment
@augieray Recommending following the instructions on cookie dough packages doesn’t reduce consumer spending like talking about valid Covid concerns
It’s not confusing
The real reason for all the shade being thrown at #WFH
"Back to the office with you, pleb; our commercial real estate investments are bleeding money."
#wfh #CovidIsNotOver #profitsoverpeople #latestagecapitalism
#ProfitsOverPeople: Blinken ignores Mohamed Chande Othman, chair of the UN #HumanRights Commission, “We especially welcome commitments to human rights, protection of civilians, unhindered humanitarian access and accountability,” because for the US #trade has always trumped human rights. #1619Project #Khashoggi #Export #PlantationEconomy
#profitsoverpeople #humanrights #trade #1619Project #khashoggi #export #plantationeconomy
A profile of #EmilyMBender mentions attempts to equate RichGuy machines with humans. It reminded me of #Chomsky in #ProfitsOverPeople:
> There are no rights of property, only.. rights of persons with property.. I have a right to my car, but my car has no rights. The right.. differs from others in that one person’s possession of property deprives another of that right if I own my car, you do not; but in a just and free society, my freedom of speech would not limit yours.
#emilymbender #profitsoverpeople #chomsky
As a Pennsylvanian I’m furious that a large corporation is trying to override a PA state law that protects individuals so it can’t be held accountable for its actions. Norfolk Southern (yes, the Ohio derailment accident company) is trying to get SCOTUS to overturn PA law. And it won’t just affect Pennsylvania and the railroad industry. Everyone should be mad and worried about it.
#Pennsylvania #SCOTUS #norfolksouthern #greed #profitsoverpeople #raildisaster #railroads
#Pennsylvania #scotus #norfolksouthern #greed #profitsoverpeople #raildisaster #railroads