I read a work email at 10:30pm, that was an hour ago. I am still angry at what it said and also frustrated that I read it on a SUNDAY NIGHT. (It was sent a few hours earlier by the interim dept chair who works on weekends, I guess.) /sigh/ taking some breaths with Milli purring on my lap is helping. Is caring this much a gift or a liability? Maybe both.
#proflife #academia #WorkLifeBalance #orlackthereof
@DrFerrous I was down about 10% of my class yesterday. I heard that COVID is going around one of the dorms, so I emailed folks to encourage them to get tested, stay home if positive/symptomatic, and wear masks. I got at least two responses from students who are now COVID positive
I often feel like the #LastMaskStanding but maybe I’ll convince more folks to #MaskUp.
#lastmaskstanding #MaskUp #proflife
I embed Panotpo videos in my course website/LMS and some students can’t view them. Internet sleuthing tells me the “solution” is to change their browser settings in a way that would, as a side effect, allow their data to be tracked across the internet 🙃
Is there a place I can host course videos that isn’t exploitative trash? Ughhh
3 of my 25 students were missing from class today due to illness. #ProfLife #CovidIsNotOver
There's nothing quite like a good class to help me remember why I'm here. So grateful for my students this morning. Their curiosity, motivation, and questions all give me hope. #ProfLife #Chemistry #Chemiverse
#proflife #chemistry #chemiverse
For now, it’s business as usual, do what I have to do. I have class in 72 minutes, time to make the donuts. Ignore my feelings. What a way to live. #ProfLife
This morning, I’m hoping statistics can be a comfort. It’s more likely I’ll be killed in a car accident going to work than be the victim of a campus shooting, right? That’s logical. But gun violence isn’t logical, it’s senseless disregard, it’s power grasped out of desperation, it’s lunacy. The odds don’t comfort me when I’ve lost faith in them. #ProfLife
I refuse to accept this type of violence is acceptable. And yet, here we are, nearly 20 years after Virginia Tech. How will I sleep tonight? Or face campus tomorrow? Maybe a student who failed my class will come after me next?
#proflife #chemistry #chemiverse #academicconfidential
Just working on my syllabus, thinking about the parallels between AI tools and the conclaves of the Scholomance series, since both have unethical foundations and gross side effects but people want them anyway
Setting up an LMS (course website) is a process full of papercuts and tedium
The online homework system I have to use is alphabetizing my assignments this way:
This does not give me ANY confidence in this piece of software
Calling out #academic #religidons - What syllabus draft are you on today? Anyone else in double-digits? #August #TheSundayAfternoonOfTheYear #LongDarkTeaTime #Theologidons #Proflife
#academic #Religidons #august #thesundayafternoonoftheyear #longdarkteatime #theologidons #proflife
Good morning. Today, I step back into #ProfLife by co-leading a student orientation in 3D. But at the moment, gravity and my bed are holding me back. Also, this guy. #CatsOfMastodon #RealLife #WorkWorkWork #AcademicChatter
#proflife #catsofmastodon #reallife #workworkwork #academicchatter
After two intense weeks, I’m taking this week off; a respite before the tidal wave that is fall semester arrives. This morning, I am struggling to resist checking my email. /sigh/ I am a creature of habit. #ProfLife
Hegel is a life sentence! But one has to love him! #philosophy #psychoanalysis #sociology #hegel #germany #germanidealism #dialectic #academia #academicmastodon #university #proflife
#philosophy #psychoanalysis #sociology #hegel #germany #germanidealism #dialectic #academia #academicmastodon #university #proflife
This update has me rethinking how I use Zoom. Maybe no more research meetings, no more recordings? #ProfLife #Zoom #privacy
“Zoom's Updated Terms of Service Permit Training AI on User Content Without Opt-Out”
Day 12 of 12 is done. This year’s bridge camp is finished. So many emotions, mostly grateful and tired. #ProfLife