Tair awr o brogio ar draws ddwy filltir o flaen traeth y Fenai yn yr haul yn ystod llanw is heddiw, yn casglu trugareddau i creu celf. Ffordd bendigedig i treulio gwŷl banc.
Three hours of mudlarking/beachcombing across two miles of the Menai foreshore during low tide today, collecting bits and bobs to make art. A splendid way to spend a bank holiday.
#Mudlarking #Beachcombing
#beachcombing #Mudlarking #progio
Pan dwi'n mynd am dro, dwi'n cymryd y cyfle i codi sbwriel yr un pryd. Mae'n anhygoel y fath o bethau annisgwyl sy allan na. Heddiw nes i achub bag wedi styc mewn gwrych - newydd sbon ac yn ddianaf, ac dwi'n hollol 'chuffed' 🥰 #progio
When I go for a walk, I take the opportunity to collect litter at the same time. It's amazing the type of unexpected things that are out there. Today i rescued a bag stuck in a hedge - brand new and unscathed, and I'm chuffed #LitterPicking #winning
#winning #litterpicking #progio