We're officially announcing that I'm helping Natasha Helfer write her memoire, Sexcommunicated, about her life as a Mormon sex therapist and her subsequent excommunication for speaking out about things like masturbation and LGBT issues. We're still in the very early stages of drafting, so watch this space for updates.
#Mormon #LDS #Exmormon #exmo #ProgMo #ReligiousTrauma #MentalHealth #SexualHealth
#mormon #lds #exmormon #exmo #progmo #religioustrauma #mentalhealth #sexualhealth
I don’t know why I followed this rabbit hole, but I just started digging into my ancestors on #FamilySearch and found at least one who was in a polygamous marriage. His 4th wife had a child when she was 19 and he was 63. 😬
I truly don’t understand how this was a thing.
#mormonism #mormon #exmo #lds #progmo #ChurchOfJesusChristOfLatterdaySaints #deconstruction
#deconstruction #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #progmo #lds #exmo #mormon #mormonism #familysearch
My goals for 2023 are to pick up the pieces from my broken shelf and build something new.
Not sure where it will lead, but I want to lean into the discomfort and pain as I rediscover and renew myself.
#resolution #mormonism #progmo #deconstruction #reconstruction #FaithJourney #exmo
#exmo #faithjourney #reconstruction #deconstruction #progmo #mormonism #resolution
Interessant article over voedsel veiligheid en gmo's/radiation https://www.food-safety.com/articles/7077-genetically-modified-and-irradiated-food-facts-versus-fiction #progmo #greenpeaceisevil
Interessant article over voedsel veiligheid en gmo's/radiation https://www.food-safety.com/articles/7077-genetically-modified-and-irradiated-food-facts-versus-fiction #progmo #greenpeaceisevil
Ngo's are evil
#proinsecticides #progmo #greenpeaceisevil
Fellow #exmormons: every couple of days I check out related hashtags for other former members of the #LDS Church and I follow. I am also trying to use these tags in related toots. I'd like to see a robust exmormon community here.
I also love me some progmos, liberal Mormons, fringe freethinking (nonfascist!) members of TCOJCOLDS and other sects. That's the biggest thing I'm missing from Birdsite, is my Mormon-world news and discussion.
Help me out if you can!
#exmormons #lds #exmo #exmormon #progmo #mormon