Published on YouTube: Those #github #pullrequest s need to be small or i am out! #developer #programminghumor #techtok
#github #pullrequest #developer #programminghumor #techtok
"I think I have a bug in my understanding"
instead of:
"I think I don't understand".
It makes you sound more confident and pushes the responsibility to any programmers in the room.
It happens every time 🤣
@lunaa "Who are you calling primitive, and WHY does processing them involve the death of children?!" 😆 #Programming #ProgrammingHumor
#programming #programminghumor
When writing in a regular text block/cell/address book, et and the '(' doesnt auto close with ')'. You know you've been in code editor too long
Me today. Here's hoping we haven't missed updating our SSL certificate anywhere 😅 #programminghumor #programmingmemes
#programminghumor #programmingmemes
Starting the vacation in style with some quality scientific literature 🧐 #programminghumor #sigbovik
What I am in theory : IT student
What people think I am : Printer Expert, Excel Wizzard, Windows support staff, Hardware Deaigner, ...
What I actually am : Diphit who knows how a search engine works and has written some bash in her spare time once
#it #programminghumor #Meme #memes
Are Hashtags PascalCase or camelCase or snake_case? What's the ISO Standard? Misra-Mastodon when? #programminghumor
Fellow #developers, when you see a list of items in alphabetical order and need to add one, do you add it to:
1. The start
2. The end
3. The alphabetical spot
4. A random spot
If you said 3, why are you lying? I work with enough of you to know the truth 😅🤣