Don't confuse actual loving #Christians & #Catholics with hateful faithless #Evangelicals and #Republicans. Countless #ProgressiveChristians vote blue, not red.
"If anyone says, 'I love God,' but hates his brother, he is a liar." ( I John 4:18-21)
#WWJD #GOPHypocrisy #FalseProphets
#ChristianProgressives #JesusChrist #Fascism
#christians #catholics #evangelicals #republicans #progressivechristians #wwjd #gophypocrisy #falseprophets #christianprogressives #jesuschrist #fascism
I'm thankful for those #exvangelicals and #progressivechristians who have had the courage to make a break with a movement that continues, as Francis Schaeffer used to say, to follow its unexamined presuppositions to their logical conclusions.
#exvangelicals #progressivechristians