RT @katlinegrey
Roscosmos shared a photo of the area of the #ProgressMS21 Service module where they found a damage, which, as the specialists believe, is responsible for the coolant leak. According to their conclusions, this damage was caused “by an external influence”. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8531
RT @katlinegrey: Roscosmos shared a photo of the area of the #ProgressMS21 Service module where they found a damage, which, as the specialists believe, is responsible for the coolant leak. According to their conclusions, this damage was caused “by an external influence”. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8531
L'agenzia spaziale russa #Roscosmos ha diffuso questa immagine dell'esterno della navetta cargo #ProgressMS21 che ha avuto una perdita di liquido refrigerante. Sarebbe stata danneggiata da un oggetto esterno. Quindi stessa dinamica della navetta #Soyuz danneggiata a dicembre
#roscosmos #progressms21 #soyuz
RT @katlinegrey
#ProgressMS21 will be deorbited, says the decision of the State Commission. The deorbit maneuver will begin at 03:15 UTC on February 19. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8493
RT @katlinegrey: #ProgressMS21 will be deorbited, says the decision of the State Commission. The deorbit maneuver will begin at 03:15 UTC on February 19. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8493
RT @katlinegrey
#ProgressMS21 will be deorbited, says the decision of the State Commission. The deorbit maneuver will begin at 03:15 UTC on February 19. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8493
Roscosmos acaba de decidir desorbitar mañana la #ProgressMS21.
RT @SpaceNosey@twitter.com
Se ha desacoplado la #ProgressMS21 de la #ISS y se ha rotado para ver sus daños, segun Roscosmos no se ve ninguno.
Aún no se ha desorbitado y se valora la opción de volver a acoplarla a la estación.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SpaceNosey/status/1626892559405424642
Se ha desacoplado la #ProgressMS21 de la #ISS y se ha rotado para ver sus daños, segun Roscosmos no se ve ninguno.
Aún no se ha desorbitado y se valora la opción de volver a acoplarla a la estación.
RT @katlinegrey
Tonight, #ProgressMS21 undocked from the ISS and was rotated 180 degrees to take photos of the area of the coolant leak in the orbital module. Roscosmos reported that no visible damage was found. It was decided to not deorbit the ship right now. ⤵️
Sganciata dalla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale la navetta cargo #ProgressMS21 che ha avuto problemi di depressurizzazione. Nessun danno visibile. Si valuta se farla deorbitare o se riagganciarla a un modulo russo per ulteriori controlli
RT @katlinegrey: Roscosmos reported that today Canadarm will take photos and make video footage of the #ProgressMS21 service module. According to them, the arm is being currently moved to the damaged cargo ship. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8444
RT @katlinegrey: Roscosmos reported that today Canadarm will take photos and make video footage of the #ProgressMS21 service module. According to them, the arm is being currently moved to the damaged cargo ship. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8444
Roscosmos acaba de inspeccionar la nave #ProgressMS21 con el brazo robótico Canadarm.
Las imágenes se mandarán a tierra para ser analizadas y determinar el origen del problema en la nave.
RT @katlinegrey
Roscosmos reported that today Canadarm will take photos and make video footage of the #ProgressMS21 service module. According to them, the arm is being currently moved to the damaged cargo ship. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8444
RT @katlinegrey
Yuri Borisov:
1. An emergency commission has been set up, to consider all options for the causes of the depressurization of #ProgressMS21.
2. The causes of the incidents with Soyuz MS-22 and Progress MS-21 may be different.
4. #SoyuzMS23 will be launched not later than March 10.
RT @katlinegrey
According to Dmitry Strugovets (whos information has been very accurate today), the meeting at RSC Energia has been finished. Important news:
- The leak appeared after 09.40 UTC;
- US will be asked to observe #ProgressMS21 with Canadarm, although it is inconveniently located;⤵️
RT @katlinegrey
Strugovets: The pressure in the thermal control system of the #ProgressMS21 service module is zero. All the cooling agent has leaked out. https://t.me/roscosmos_press/850
RT @katlinegrey
Strugovets: The pressure in the thermal control system of the #ProgressMS21 service module is zero. All the cooling agent has leaked out. https://t.me/roscosmos_press/850
Coolant leak 2: Electric boogaloo etc etc
RT @katlinegrey
Strugovets: The pressure in the thermal control system of the #ProgressMS21 service module is zero. All the cooling agent has leaked out. https://t.me/roscosmos_press/850
Aggiornamento dall'agenzia spaziale russa #Roscosmos: perdita di liquido refrigerante per la navetta cargo #ProgressMS21 attraccata alla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale. Controlli in corso. Per il momento i programmi di volo non variano