Here’s a #RegionalRiffs German #ProgMetal band from Berlin, I specifically saved up for @DXMacGuffin’s #ProgTuesday.
I hadn’t seen anything newer than from 2009 but when I just checked their website it shows a mysterious announcement for a new album in 2023!
Mind Odyssey ~ Illusions
#oldskoolmetalvibe #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #progtuesday #progmetal #regionalriffs
#ProgTuesday Submition, from the Master himself, #HeavyDevy Devin #Townsend, with #Grace:
#grace #townsend #HeavyDevy #progtuesday
For #ProgTuesday, a band called Lost in Kiev. Most of their stuff is instrumental, with may be a few spoken words here and there.
#ProgTuesday has no theme... Just my favorite Prog song....
This is, of course, Gentle Giant
"My ways are strange
They'll never change
They stay, strange ways
I'm sorry to have been so close from the start,
But for all that I cared we could be miles apart."
I saw passing the #ProgTuesday tag. Look like it's from @DXMacGuffin
Are we expected to just post some prog tracks on tuesday or is there some weekly theme to go with it?
For @DXMacGuffin #ProgTuesday , I cannot not mention the new Soen album!
Soen - Memorial
And a #ProgMetalcore song for @DXMacGuffin's #ProgTuesday:
AetherWave: Born Again
#compensationweek #progtuesday #progmetalcore
Some #ProgDeathMetal for @DXMacGuffin's #ProgTuesday:
Persefone: Prison Skin
#compensationweek #progtuesday #progdeathmetal
Staying #RegionalRiffs with my submission for @DXMacGuffin’s #ProgTuesday.
Poverty’s No Crime is a band from northern Lower Saxony in Germany. They’ve been around since 1991. I’m listening to their last album ‘A Secret To Hide’ from 2021. It’s mellow.
#ProgMetal #ProgRock
#progrock #progmetal #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #progtuesday #regionalriffs
Never late for #ProgTuesday by @DXMacGuffin
#SlamminThru - Things to come
The band of a good friend
#metalgaliza #regionalriffs #progressivemetal #metal #slamminthru #progtuesday
I'm guilty of almost forgetting #ProgTuesday by @DXMacGuffin !
Ok, I will post an album I'm listening just right now. It also happens to be a progressive metal album, albeit a more modern version, with post rock influences.
Karnivool - Sound Awake
It's #ProgTuesday! Open your earholes and pour in this 11 minute song.
"In Crescendo by Kingcrow. #progrock #progmetal
#progmetal #progrock #progtuesday
Black Widow - Come To The Sabbat
Sorry it's a bit late, but you know, witching hour and all that...
Interestingly (or not) for the next album they replaced drummer Clive Box with Romeo Challenger, who went on to drum with Showaddywaddy. He still does, being the only remaining original member,
How about something visual for @DXMacGuffin's #ProgTuesday? The Body Electric animated film featuring music by Rush.
For #ProgTuesday "Revelations" by Lalu. Jordan Rudess of Dream Theater does keyboards for this song. #rock #metal
My favourite rock band (with Pink Floyd) since childhood
#KingCrimson - Live
#progtuesday #progressiverock #rock #kingcrimson
I just found Flaming Row has another album - "The Pure Shine". I'll be listening to this next.
#ProgressiveTuesday #ProgTuesday
#progtuesday #progressivetuesday
#ProgTuesday #ProgressiveRock
This may be borderline "progressive" but this song has been stuck in my head all day.
Royal Coda - We Slowly Lose Hope For Things To Come
I’m going down under for @DXMacGuffin’s #ProgTuesday
Ne Obliviscaris’ latest album, Exul, was worked on throughout the lockdown and finally released in March 2023.
My song pick: Ecuus
Album: Exul
#progmetal #aussiemetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #progtuesday