I believe I am morally bound to poke @jggimi and whisper "Hey! New #ProhibitionOrcs in ⬆️ ."
The #apocalypseMoi Kickstarter is still on, with its brand new #ProhibitionOrcs, #immortalClay side story, career-ending enlightenment, and a guy who develops the guts to ask a girl out by being repeatedly shot at.
So today on #30DaysOfDoom I present:
Merzbow. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIDUFd2WBiaMaf1zK3cGt3pUgGrrd5mOj
No, no pithy explanation. I have none.
I would suggest that most of you, rather than clicking on that link, you go to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mwlucas/apocalypse-moi and help me bring this book into the world.
If you clicked on the link anyway and didn't care for it, clearly you should have clicked on https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mwlucas/apocalypse-moi and backed the book instead. It's not too late!
If you clicked on the link and loved the whole thing: you're welcome.
#apocalypsemoi #prohibitionOrcs #immortalclay #30daysofdoom
Apparently I'm burying the lead on this Kickstarter, so:
#apocalypseMoi includes a previously unpublished #ProhibitionOrcs tale.
But #30DaysOfDoom still continues, with one of my childhood's favorite End-of-the-World tales: the classic film "When Worlds Collide."
Two rogue planets enter our Solar System. One is going to enter a stable orbit in the goldilocks zone. The other is going to hit the Earth. The only hope for survival? Build a rocket and escape to the stable planet.
Magnificent cheese. Pure pulp. Rockets that trail sparks. A delight of destruction.
(Avoid the books: they're from the 1930s, and even more racist and sexist than "of their time" might suggest.)
I don't hit the Earth with another planet in Apocalypse Moi, although I do threaten to wreck the planet in a few other ways. I'd appreciate your support.
#apocalypsemoi #prohibitionOrcs #30daysofdoom
Most of the time, I struggle for titles for my novels and collection. Naming a novel is harder than #writing it. Naming a collection is a nightmare. Even the tech books are a pain to name. (That's why my tech series is called "X Mastery," because it saves me the trouble of coming up with a title.)
Once in a while, a title appears.
Sometimes the title is a poison meme. I delayed writing "Immortal Clay" for years and years, because the title "Shapeless in Seattle" had gotten wedged into my brain. Totally the wrong title for the book, but the pun refused to be dislodged. Turned out to be for the best, because I didn't have the chops to write that book the way I wanted it.
Sometimes, though, the perfect title was there all along, just waiting for me to notice it.
Anyway, the title of the next #ProhibitionOrcs collection, whenever it's done, will be "Found Meat."
Only 400 words on #ryoms today, but settled on using Postfix/SASL for submission rather than Dovecot.
Also, 1000 words on the #prohibitionOrcs baseball story. Desperately hoping this doesn't turn into a novella...
Today's #30DaysOfDoom is a classic of silence.
"The Quiet Earth." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9KQrOx5cz8
The trailer does a LOT of work to make the film look like it has whiz-bang action.
But it's the only SF film I've seen where the manly hero storms into an Anglican church wearing nothing but a negligee, points a shotgun at the crucifix, and screams "Come on out or the kid gets it" and the audience goes "Yes, this is a perfectly reasonable action in this circumstance."
The stories in #apocalypseMoi have more whiz-bang action than this one. But practically everything does. There's a previously unpublished #ProhibitionOrcs tale in there, plus geeky murder, time travel, and the worst way to make chicken mole.
So please check out https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mwlucas/apocalypse-moi and back it -- or, if you can't, pillage my freebies at https://mwl.io/fiction/freebies
#30daysofdoom #apocalypsemoi #prohibitionOrcs
500 words on this #prohibitionOrcs baseball story in 1.5 hours, but I think I've found my way into the story. Whew!
Why am I writing a baseball story? Stretch goal for last year's orc Kickstarter.
Oh, right. I write things for a living. I'm supposed to promote myself? Ugh.
Fine. I'll do promotion, but of the free stuff.
"Hey, people who like to read--here's some stuff I wrote, and it's free!"
#ebooks #crime #scifi #fantasy #prohibitionOrcs
Today: #ProhibitionOrcs research trip.
Baseball with historical rules is much more entertaining than with modern rules. The action stopped in the seventh inning, when the players stopped to guzzle water.
ICYMI: new #prohibitionOrcs tale is out! Exclusive to my web site.
"Orcish Childhood: Not For The Weak
Oscar-Tai has counted to one thousand and fifty. He knew the Alphabet Chant, the Pledge of Allegiance, and can form each of the Twenty-Six Letters. He expected to take labor hauling cargo with his father, but instead humans offered to teach him and his brother to read. But Oscar has never seen a war like reading school. Desks built to fit orcs. One failure and the human teacher expels you. And how did that lone orcess earn a place?
Can he endure? Or will he fall to the docks and live marked with failure all his days?"
60 Seconds of WIP, 29 June 2023.
This time, a video of me reading a new #prohibitionOrcs tale that will be out soon.
One hour poll:
Do I make words on #ryoms, on #skybreach, or get the new #prohibitionOrcs story out in public?
#RYOMS #skybreach #prohibitionOrcs
Just got a brand new #prohibitionOrcs tale back from copyedit.
One day I shall learn to use hyphens correctly. This is not that day. #writing :flan_writing:
A new #prohibitionOrcs tale went to copyedit today.
I think it's gonna be exclusive to tiltedwindmillpress.com.
Write an orcish middle-grade meet cute, just to trick #ProhibitionOrcs fans into reading romance? Moi? Would *I* do that? :flan_evil:
I posted about the free #prohibitionOrcs tale here a couple days ago, boosted it a couple times, and asked y'all for boosts.
That free story's now #23 in Amaon's "Two Hour SF and Fantasy Short Reads" and #35 in their "Historical Fantasy" category. Which is high enough to make them visible to Amazon customers who browse those categories. :flan_dance:
Thank you all for helping me get actual non-exploitative exposure! Other than, you know, Amazon. A couple folks even bought the related books today, which I hadn't expected yet. (Book sales lag FAR behind free downloads.)
If anyone tells you that the fedi can't support creators, feel free to laugh in their face. :flan_heart:
If you're just seeing this freebie now: lots of store links at my freebie page. https://mwl.io/fiction/freebies#orc
The first #ProhibitionOrcs tale is now free everywhere. Bootlegging over the Detroit River! Elves that need a punch in the face! Orcs at breakfast! Frozen feet and hot lead!
Yes, this is a shameless teaser to try to get you to buy the duology. But if you hate the story, you won't like the books. If you like the story, readers assure me they get better.
My store: https://www.tiltedwindmillpress.com/product-category/free/
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=MtC8EAAAQBAJ&pli=1
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/spilled-mirovar
Apple: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id1037047676
Amazon US https://amzn.to/43x4EK3 - UK https://amzn.to/3qibGnC - AU https://amzn.to/3MFLo6l - CA https://amzn.to/45BuMp1 - DE https://amzn.to/3qj5JH8
Reviewed yesterday's work on #ryoms. Not actively terrible.
Taking a break to prep the free #ProhibitionOrcs intro tale. Making sure it has the "want more? there IS more!" at the end, like a good huckster.
I pulled the #ProhibitionOrcs chapbooks when the collection came out, all except the first one.
Recovering the first one before making it free. Because the first hit's always free, kid.
Twelve hours left on the Fantasy Steampunk bundle!
Many of you are trapped by snow and ice and water. You might as well get a heck of a deal on ten lovely books, including my own #prohibitionOrcs
Or you can sit at home and watch the ice grow thicker. Whatever works for you.