🔞Humbird0's Projects · @humbird0
117 followers · 392 posts · Server aethy.com

I also figured out a solution to my sleep problem. When I want to fall asleep, just lie in bed and play pokemon for an hour... OLD pokemon. Don't use fast-forward. Just play it at normal speed so the music washes over you. There's a reason why I was never able to beat this game. The level-grinding and repeatitive music always puts me to sleep... and I can take advantage of that. Also I recommend getting a cellphone holder. The Nintendo Switch fits perfectly.

#wip #pokemon #insomnia #project_ #by_humbird0

Last updated 2 years ago

Humbird0's Projects · @humbird0
57 followers · 194 posts · Server aethy.com

Wow, my hard drive duplicator went bad after only one year, and I barely even used it! It didn't "break" in any obvious way, but the replicated drives keep having corrupted files here and there.

The original drive is perfectly fine, but no matter how many times I duplicate, it's always the same files that get corrupted on the 2nd drive. I even tried writing to different hard drives. Always the same result.

I guess I can't trust this thing for backups anymore.

#project_ #by_humbird0

Last updated 2 years ago