New blog post: After 1 week back in the saddle. My "post-retirement" gig!
@edutooters #projectbasedlearning
#綿羊姑娘 真的是 PBL 的玩家,去年聖誕開始看 Matilda - Comédie musicale ,到現在法語版已經看了八九遍,德語版看了一遍還是兩遍,把Matilda的小說法語版讀完之後,現在在看第二遍舊版的Matilda 電影,看到每一個情節他都能夠聯想起書中的段落,和新舊版之間的區別。
現在她在看 Roald Dahl 的其他小說,我打算再過一段時間忽悠她學英語,就可以去看英文原版了。 #PBL #projectbasedlearning
#projectbasedlearning #pbl #綿羊姑娘
Just got tapped to be an "anchor" speaker at the CSTA Super Southern CSEd Virtual Unconference. Yay me!
Gonna talk about #projectbasedlearning for middle school #computerscience, which is my jam. Can't wait!
#projectbasedlearning #computerscience
New blog post -- Charting and AI
@edutooters #pbl #projectbasedlearning
I'm launching a podcast on creating engaging learning experiences, called Hard Fun, of course! We'll cover everything from PBL to personal connections to AI to the joy of learning. If you're one of those people, hit me up and let's talk! You know who you are!
@edutooters #projectbasedlearning
Exciting news! Podcast incoming!
@edutooters #projectbasedlearning
OK, @edutooters . I'm starting a podcast on learning. Center of "the wheel" is #projectbasedlearning, with spokes going out in related directions: student engagement, student voice and choice, AI and education, grading vs gradeless, etc. I'm looking for practitioners (not researchers) -- people who have actually done this in real live classes on any level, who are passionate about these topics.
If that's you, hit me up! Let's talk!
Friday blog post -- more thoughts on ChatGPT and education:
@edutooters #ai #learning #projectbasedlearning
#ai #learning #projectbasedlearning
As promised, my first thoughts on ChatGPT and education:
@edutooters #projectbasedlearning #csed
Coming tomorrow -- Friday's blog post is on ChatGPT and what it means for education. This will change everything, folks!
@edutooters #projectbasedlearning
#Teachers: Here’s a free gift for the holidays. Sign up for XQ Xtra, a newsletter by an experienced #highschool teacher with tips on how to make classes more engaging for you & your students. Enjoy and share! Latest edition: The Future of Schools Is Ready to Launch #education #edutooter #teacher #teaching #projectbasedlearning
#projectbasedlearning #teaching #teacher #edutooter #education #highschool #teachers
I've been mulling how #chatGPT might affect my teaching and been mulling the potential for increased #AcademicIntegrity violations. I try to prioritize critical thinking and #ProjectBasedLearning, which should make it harder. My concern is differentiating between students who were not invested/paying attention and students who #plagiarized AI. So I fed it what I think is my most cheatable assignment and I'm...not that worried anymore. (1/x)
#chatgpt #academicintegrity #projectbasedlearning #plagiarized
OK, #moodle users. Has anyone done asynchronous #projectbasedlearning with Moodle? I would love to chat!
A look at 15 important trends in U.S. education from 2022 by #XQInstitute. Teachers, check out these tips on collaborative learning, #projectbasedlearning and other ways to engage your students.
#Education #Edutooters #edutooter #highschool #teachers #teaching #edu
#edu #teaching #teachers #highschool #edutooter #edutooters #education #projectbasedlearning #xqinstitute
#introduction. Hello Mastodon community! Just joined and excited to connect and engage within a kind and civil space. I live in #Buffalo and work at #UBuffalo as Director of the Experiential Learning Network. I connect students with the world through #experientiallearning and #digitalbadges. I focus on the UN #sdgs and collaborate with #ngos mostly in #africa through #projectbasedlearning. I look forward to connecting!
#introduction #Buffalo #ubuffalo #experientiallearning #digitalbadges #sdgs #ngos #Africa #projectbasedlearning
Friday's blog post -- What I Learned When I Moved My Entire Curriculum to iPads in a Week.
@edutooters #edutooter #MinecraftEdu #projectbasedlearning #OnlineLearning
#edutooter #minecraftedu #projectbasedlearning #onlinelearning
Just finished up my blog post for Friday, going live tomorrow at 8amEST: What I Learned When I Moved My Entire Curriculum to iPads in a Week.
I'll link to the post tomorrow, but you can check out my other posts at my web page:
@edutooters #edutooter #MinecraftEdu #OnlineLearning #projectbasedlearning #csed
#edutooter #minecraftedu #onlinelearning #projectbasedlearning #csed
Stay tuned for Friday's blog post: How I Switched My Entire Computer Science Curriculum to Run on iPads Just before School Lockdown.
I'm afraid I don't have lots of deep eduthoughts this week. Just in-the-trenches middle school teaching experiences!
But I think you'll get something out of it. Watch this space.
#edutooter @edutooters #csed #projectbasedlearning #virtualedu #OnlineLearning
#edutooter #csed #projectbasedlearning #virtualedu #onlinelearning
Watch this space for tomorrow's Friday blog post. I'll be explaining Why I Love Online Teaching! Yes, you read that right. @edutooters #virtualedu #pbl #projectbasedlearning #edutooter
#virtualedu #PBL #projectbasedlearning #edutooter
I teach middle school computer science. My approach is what I call "Hard Fun", and is entirely project-based, hands-on, just-in-time learning. I love what I do, and my students love it, too! I stress student voice and choice, and I love seeing what they imagine and create. My job is to help them build what they imagine, learning CS skills as needed. It's an unorthodox approach, I think, but it works! #pbl #projectbasedlearning #edutooter @edutooters
#PBL #projectbasedlearning #edutooter