My Patreon kicks off tomorrow in honor of May 4th with a backlog of status updates, a snippet I wrote Monday, and the start of a short story that picks up in the days following #RightsOfUse about the kerfluffle around Cube Head's new host:
#Patreon #sciencefiction #scifi #DownToEarth #SpaceOpera #AlmostMilSF #ProjectBlackBook #BodyPossessingAliens #FlyingSaucers #SecretGovtProject #20YearsOfBlackBookBacklog #IHopeICanManageThisAndMyMFAinProgress #IWasWritingAnyway
#rightsofuse #patreon #sciencefiction #scifi #downtoearth #spaceopera #almostmilsf #projectblackbook #bodypossessingaliens #flyingsaucers #secretgovtproject #20yearsofblackbookbacklog #ihopeicanmanagethisandmymfainprogress #iwaswritinganyway
The short of it is: It's still going to be a while before I can publish book 2, even though it's been entirely too many (very busy/wild/abnormal) years.
But come May, there will be new #ProjectBlackBook content available, and I am so, so excited to share it! 8/8