Hey @hankgreen was the crabulo.us subscription included in the #ProjectForAwesome digital download bundle?
Some wholesome goodness live on the internet #RightNow https://www.youtube.com/live/2cY5HkHAjgc?feature=share
#rightnow #projectforawesome #p4a2023
It's that magical time of year again, the Project For Awesome.
Nerdfighteria have already raised over $1 million for charities including #SavetheChildren and #PartnersInHealth
Donate at https://www.projectforawesome.com
#savethechildren #partnersinhealth #projectforawesome #nerdfighteria
Huh. I'd swear I boosted a post about the #ProjectForAwesome, but it's not here. Odd. See the livestream, and donate to #PartnersInHealth and #SaveTheChildren at https://www.projectforawesome.com/
The livestream is a weird mix of off-the-wall humour and serious education around the work of the charities. We had a lecture on #tuberculosis. And now we're talking nonsense for a while. It'll be going for a couple of days, and will only get weirder.
#projectforawesome #partnersinhealth #savethechildren #tuberculosis
#ProjectForAwesome is happening now! You can help Partners In Health improve maternal/fetal outcomes in #SierraLeone and lots of other great causes while having communal fun with @johngreen @hankgreen & #Nerdfighters from around the world. #P4A2023
#projectforawesome #sierraleone #nerdfighters #p4a2023
Hey #nerdfighteria
Should I give y’all the unofficial #ProjectForAwesome drinking game (the Project for Hydration) before any of my other social medias?
#nerdfighteria #projectforawesome
With #ProjectForAwesome coming up this week, I am searching to find the most active (non-twitter) corner of #nerdfighteria to focus my meme-posting. I am leaning towards using my tumblr (Quintin.tumblr.com) at the moment but let me know if there are talks of a better place to be! #P4A #P4A2023 #DFTBA
#projectforawesome #nerdfighteria #P4A #p4a2023 #dftba