I finally checked out Project Gorgon. It's an old-school MMORPG where exploration and discovery are major aspects. Modern MMORPGs are pretty lackluster in that regard, so it was interesting to experience.
#mmorpg #gaming #projectgorgon
Please consider getting #ProjectGorgon while it's on sale. It's a very good old school styled MMO that emphasizes exploration and extremely open ended character development.
The Official, Scientific, 2023 List of Popular MMORPGs
#Aion #AllodsOnline #BlackDesertOnline #DarkAgesOfCamelot #DCUniverseOnline #DungeonsDragonsOnline #EliteDangerous #EvEOnline #EverQuest #EverQuest2 #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXI #FinalFantasyXIV #GuildWars #LordOfTheRings #LostArk #MapleStory #MMOs #Neverwinter #NewWorld #OldSchoolRunescape #Pirate101 #ProjectGorgon #RealmOfTheMadGod #Rift #RunesOfM
#aion #allodsonline #blackdesertonline #darkagesofcamelot #dcuniverseonline #dungeonsdragonsonline #elitedangerous #eveonline #everquest #everquest2 #ffxiv #finalfantasyxi #finalfantasyxiv #guildwars #lordoftherings #lostark #maplestory #mmos #neverwinter #newworld #oldschoolrunescape #pirate101 #projectgorgon #realmofthemadgod #rift #runesofm
@pavot/@fosstodon.org has just started streaming on their #owncast server! Check them out at:
Breath of the Wild
#Linux #Valheim #ApexLegends #OldSchoolRuneScape #ProjectGorgon #Breathofthewild #BOTW #AlbionOnline #DiabloII #TowerUnite #Squad #WorldofWarcraftWOTLK #Veloren #Warmane
#owncast #linux #valheim #apexlegends #oldschoolrunescape #projectgorgon #breathofthewild #botw #albiononline #diabloii #towerunite #squad #worldofwarcraftwotlk #veloren #warmane