This is the final post in my Changing my SharePoint URL project. I used an Azure Virtual Machine to run the SharePoint Online Management Shell to change my SharePoint URL. After scheduling the deletion, it completed and the URL was changed to what I wanted. All of the steps are below.
Thank you to @box464 for the advice. Day 28 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #SharePointThe Final Steps:
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #sharepointthe
I am almost ready to return to my #100DaysofIndieWeb challenge. The project schedule is up to 900 lines and is almost finished so I hope to be back to the challenge this weekend. #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal (
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal
This week I had to update a 500 task project schedule, complete a 15 page monthly status report, attend 4 hours worth of requirements gathering workshops, and I think its OK to take a couple of days off my the #100DaysofIndieWeb challenge. 😀 #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal:
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal
This week I had to update a 500 task project schedule, complete a 15 page monthly status report, attend 4 hours worth of requirements gathering workshops, and I think its OK to take a couple of days off my the #100DaysofIndieWeb challenge. 😀 #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal:
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal
This week I had to update a 500 task project schedule, complete a 15 page monthly status report, attend 4 hours worth of requirements gathering workshops, and I think its OK to take a couple of days off my the #100DaysofIndieWeb challenge. 😀 #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal:
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal
My Twitter Limit is Reached
I just tried to follow an account on Twitter and received a message that said, “Limit Reached.” Oh well, I was following the account so that I wouldn’t forget to look for them on Mastodon. 😀 #IndieWeb #Mastodon #Twitter
Here is the page that I was referred to.
#ProjectJournal #100DaysOfIndieWeb #IndieWeb #Mastodon #ProjectJournal #Twitter
#indieweb #mastodon #twitter #projectjournal #100daysofindieweb
I went down the rabbit hole and confirmed that the Share Point Online Management Shell does not fully work on a Mac. Deciding now if I really want to change this domain name. Reviewing my options. Day 25 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #SharePoint:
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #sharepoint
I was able to setup That was only a partial success. I installed the SharePoint Online Management Shell using Homebrew. But I don’t exactly know how to use it. 🙂 I know how to use DOS so it probably is similar. There is an ominous message stating that this doesn’t work with a Mac. So this project may need a PC. Day 24 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #SharePoint:
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #sharepoint
Project Journal: Requirements Gathering
In some of my experiences I have hosted requirements gathering workshops where the subject matter experts (SMEs), business analysts (BA), and developers meet to discuss the AS-IS and TO-BE of a project. For the best experience the SMEs will provide, days prior to the
#ProjectJournal #100DaysOfIndieWeb #BusinessAnalysis #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal #ProjectManagement #Requirements
#projectjournal #100daysofindieweb #businessanalysis #indieweb #projectmanagement #requirements
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Create a Custom Block Pattern – From Scratch – Part 2
I didn’t have time today to create a block from scratch today but wanted to add two more resources to my list that Jonathan Bossenger provided when I
#ProjectJournal #100DaysOfIndieWeb #CustomBlockPattern #CustomBlockPattern #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal #Webmentions #WordPress
#projectjournal #100daysofindieweb #customblockpattern #indieweb #webmentions #wordpress
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Create a Custom Block Pattern – From Scratch – Part 1
I looked at a few videos to understand how to create a custom block pattern to hold my RSVP webmention. You can do this "from scratch" or use a plugin
#ProjectJournal #100DaysOfIndieWeb #CustomBlockPattern #CustomBlockPattern #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal #Webmentions #WordPress
#projectjournal #100daysofindieweb #customblockpattern #indieweb #webmentions #wordpress
Every Person DESERVES AND IS ENTITLED TO Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice no matter their color, race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, or class. I just saw the Tyre Nichols video and decided that my IndieWeb project will be skipped tonight. Tyre Nichols and a host of other people deserved life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice. Day 20 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #projectmanagement #wordpress
I am taking a short break from Webmentions today. I have been reading a lot of articles and I found an application that I could install that would let me save articles. Day 19 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress
Read more: Project Journal: My Own Read It Later Site – Wallabag:
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #projectmanagement #wordpress
Today, I created an Event and RSVP’d to the event using HTML.
Day 18 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress
Read more: Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Create An RSVP Part 1:
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #projectmanagement #wordpress
Today, I diverged just a little bit to test my Micropub implementation using Micropub.Rocks. According to the site it will “** _Micropub Rocks!_** is a validator to help you test your Micropub implementation. Several kinds of tests are available on the site.”
Day 15 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal
## Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Planning – Learning Day 6 (
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal
Today, I am continuing reading the Articles on the Webmention page. I am a little tired this evening so I might not get far. This is under the task to:
* Learn About Webmentions a Little More Deeply.
Day 13 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #WordPress (
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #wordpress
Today, I am reading the Webmention and Webmention-Developer pages on the website. This is going to take a couple of days to review the examples. This is under the task to:
* Learn About Webmentions a Little More Deeply.
Day 11 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #WordPress (
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #wordpress
Day 10 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress
Today, I had hoped to have a plan documented to for my WordPress RSVP Block Pattern. Since yesterday I have been working on:
* Learn About Webmentions a Little More Deeply.
I read the Webmention specification from the W3C. Reading the spec was very informative. Even though I am going to have to read it again. And there will be some things that I will not understand, maybe…
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #projectmanagement #wordpress
This morning I learned about custom block patterns for WordPress. I knew about blocks. I knew about patterns. I didn’t know about custom block patterns. I am going to try to make a custom block pattern for an RSVP. If all is successful I will add it to the pattern library on I am still reading and viewing videos, so more on this over the next few days.
Day 8 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress (
#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #projectmanagement #wordpress
Intro text. Test test test test. Day 1 of xxx#100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement (
#indieweb #projectjournal #projectmanagement