Bijatyka ze świata LoL-a zapowiada się naprawdę dobrze! 😍
#projectl #gry #giereczkowo #pograne
Evo 2023 Rundown | Colorwind News
#ColorwindNews #gamingnews #gamingreels #EVO #Evo2023 #KOF13 #KingOfFightersXIII #StreetFighter6 #SF6 #MortalKombat1 #MK1 #FatalFuryCityOfTheWolves #UnderNightInBirth #UnderNightInBirth2SysCeles #KillerInstinct #Tekken8 #KingOfFightersXV #KOF15 #ProjectL #NickelodeonAllStarBrawl2 #GuiltyGearStrive
#colorwindnews #gamingnews #gamingreels #evo #evo2023 #kof13 #kingoffightersxiii #streetfighter6 #sf6 #mortalkombat1 #mk1 #fatalfurycityofthewolves #undernightinbirth #undernightinbirth2sysceles #killerinstinct #tekken8 #kingoffightersxv #kof15 #projectl #nickelodeonallstarbrawl2 #guiltygearstrive
I'm really excited about #ProjectL as an old fighting games player. Still, I dislike all these new games with plain basic combo inputs for button smashers and newbies. There should be a study about how the lack of effort into learning something devalues their expertise, player mental capacity, and even enjoyment on the long run.
#projectl looks so cool, been following this for years now and now that we got to check it out it's even better than I imagined.
being able to have so many options to chooses between team size, character and "extra ability" this game seems to like it's gonna be a #banger 🔥
also the only time I'll touch a #lol thing again haha
#ProjectL ist ein sehr gutes, schnelles Puzzle-Engine-Builder #Brettspiel mit Tetris-Feeling. Es erklärt sich selbst, dauert nicht lange und man kann mit bunten Steinchen spielen.
A long long time ago I wanted to make YouTube videos talking about fighting games. The reason for not taking action on this sooner is an incredibly long one, that one day I’ll explore. But I finally came back around on that it, and made one. I have a lot of thoughts on Project L, and the discourse around this game in the FGC, here’s my thoughts on all of that:
#projectl #fightinggames #riotgames #fgc
Vor einigen Jahren habe ich #ProjectL von Boardcubator auf meinem Blog rezensiert:
Jetzt gibt es nach einigen Irrungen und Wirrungen ein neues Kickstarter-Projekt zu dem spannenden Tetris-Puzzle-Gesellschaftsspiel.
I have been a fighting game enthusiast for my entire life, I said to this friend that I'm excited for #ProjectL because I'm hopeful it'll be a big net boon for the genre by bringing in a bunch of new players. He says he'd think it was a dead genre if he didn't know me and that it's cool they're still around despite being past their peak. I tell him they haven't at all peaked, and he says the peak was the arcade days. Bro you just told me you know nothing, now you think you're gonna correct me?
On a enfin des nouvelles de #ProjectL, le jeu de combat de #RiotGames ! C'est @Velt4r qui vient nous en dire plus :
I've said before that our child may be the only 6 year old who knows how (and likes!) to play #Cascadia and #MachiKoro but not checkers.
We can now add #ProjectL to that list as well. 😁😁😁
#cascadia #machikoro #projectl #boardgames #parentingwins #gamingwithkids