All drones, rather.
Workers at Google sent the military packing (see #ProjectMaven) but it seems that Cloudflare were not quite so encumbered by the ethics of #autonomousDrones.
Anyway Google have since complained that govt shouldn't know who is flying drones at what locations. They are really no better, wanting to enjoy a secret surveillance network.
#projectmaven #autonomousDrones
A remix I made a while ago. Feel free to use it as your own profile header, email footer or anywhere you like. Reshare and remix.
## Inspiration
* http://imaginepeace.com/warisover/
#HappyXmas #WarIsOver #JohnAndYoko #YokoOno #PlasticOnoBand #remix #collage #hippie #MassResign
## Action
* https://restoreprivacy.com/google-alternatives/
* https://www.stopkillerrobots.org/
#google #pentagon #KillerDrones #ProjectMaven #ethics #AI #war #StopKillerRobots #CampaignToStopKillerRobots #GoogleFree #ReplaceGoogle #DeleteGoogle #AbandonGoogle #FuckOffGoogle #boycott
#boycott #fuckoffgoogle #abandongoogle #deletegoogle #replacegoogle #googlefree #campaigntostopkillerrobots #stopkillerrobots #war #ai #ethics #projectmaven #KillerDrones #pentagon #google #MassResign #hippie #collage #remix #PlasticOnoBand #yokoono #johnandyoko #warisover #happyxmas #GoogleIsOverIfYouWantIt
Le suspense était insoutenable. Google était hors course depuis l'opposition à #projectMaven. Amazon longtemps pressentie... mais c'est en fait @Microsoft@twitter.com qui a raflé le contrat à 10 milliards avec le Pentagone. 👏https://twitter.com/MsWorkers4/status/1187906814773551104 https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/10/25/pentagon-awards-controversial-billion-cloud-computing-deal-microsoft-spurning-amazon/
Tell #Google to withdraw legal filings that undermine workers’ rights!
Petition to Google:
We are aware of your behind-the-scenes legal filings to undermine the rights of workers in the workplace and demand that you immediately withdraw these filings with the #NLRB.
via #DemandProgress #ProjectMaven #Solidarity #WorkersRights #USofA #DontBeEvil #DoTheRightThing
#google #nlrb #demandprogress #projectmaven #solidarity #workersrights #usofa #dontbeevil #dotherightthing