Dive into our in-depth analysis of #JDK21 and get a sneak peek into what's on the horizon for #JDK22.
Read more on #InfoQ: https://bit.ly/3sK6Ctf
#jdk21 #jdk22 #infoq #java #openjdk #projectamber #projectloom #projectpanama
Project Panama update: foreign function and memory API
https://youtu.be/kUFysMkMS00 #projectpanama #java
@cryptomator That's what an implementation via libappindicator does look like on a vanilla #GNOME DE.
The implementation could be done via #JNI or #JNA, but I decided for the #ProjectPanama FFI as a state of the art approach.
#GNOME #jni #jna #projectpanama
🆕 #Java20 is now generally available!
This release features (7) #JEPs that provide a continued contribution toward #ProjectAmber, #ProjectLoom & #ProjectPanama along with new rounds of preview and incubation.
We examine a few of these new features here, on #InfoQ: http://bit.ly/3LKvRDf
#java20 #jeps #projectamber #projectloom #projectpanama #infoq #java #oracle
Deep dive analysis: we examine #JDK20 and predict what features may be targeted for #JDK21.
Read on #InfoQ: https://bit.ly/3LgPse6
#jdk20 #jdk21 #infoq #java #projectamber #projectloom #projectpanama
Per-Åke Minborg at Jfokus on Foreign Function and Memory API in JDK 20:
#openjdk #jdk20 #projectpanama
RT @delabassee@twitter.com
📢 Dissecting Memory Sessions. A must-read to better understand Foreign Function and Memory API's Memory Sessions.
#ProjectPanama #OpenJDK
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/delabassee/status/1588489401591803904