This is amazing! Can’t wait to watch the journey! #DoScience
RT @Brinchekscience
1000 American Shad fish eggs just arrived! 4th grade will be taking #waterquality analysis all week while watching the eggs grow and hatch! They will be released into the #NeuseRiver on Fri! This is a #ProjectRestore program with the @naturalsciences #citsci #citizenscience
#doscience #waterquality #neuseriver #projectrestore #citsci #citizenscience
RT @adriatix
We are hiring!!! #ProjectRestore is a new multi-species restoration project in beautiful #Sydney harbour. We are looking for 1 #postdoc and 5 #ResearchAssistants to work with @LivingSeawalls, #OperationPosidonia, #OperationCrayweed and #FishPods
#projectrestore #sydney #postdoc #researchassistants #operationposidonia #operationcrayweed #fishpods
RT @adriatix
We are hiring!!! #ProjectRestore is a new multi-species restoration project in beautiful #Sydney harbour. We are looking for 1 #postdoc and 5 #ResearchAssistants to work with @LivingSeawalls, #OperationPosidonia, #OperationCrayweed and #FishPods
#projectrestore #sydney #postdoc #researchassistants #operationposidonia #operationcrayweed #fishpods
RT @adriatix
We are hiring!!! #ProjectRestore is a new multi-species restoration project in beautiful #Sydney harbour. We are looking for 1 #postdoc and 5 #ResearchAssistants to work with @LivingSeawalls, #OperationPosidonia, #OperationCrayweed and #FishPods
#projectrestore #sydney #postdoc #researchassistants #operationposidonia #operationcrayweed #fishpods