Exploring Hidden Lyrics on 1990s DCC Audio Tapes
Having a fondness for old and obscure audio and video media formats, [Techmoan] recently revisited the Philips Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) format introduced in 1992. Despite being billed as the …read more
#hacking #projects
Out With The Circus Animals, In With The Holograms
As futuristic as holographic technology may sound, in a sense it’s actually already in widespread commercial use. Concerts and similar events already use volumetric projection, with a fine mesh (hologram …read more
#hacking #projects
This Keyboard Doesn’t Work Without Game Boy Cartridges
Just when we though we’d seen it all when it comes to custom keyboards (or most of it, anyway), along comes [Stu] with the TypeBoy and TypePak. Like the title …read more
#hacking #projects
This Arduino Debugger Uses the CH552
One of the things missing from the “classic” Arduino experience is debugging. That’s a shame, too, because the chips used have that capability. However, the latest IDE has the ability …read more
#hacking #projects
Flip the Switch on this I2C Controlled USB Hub
You’ve probably seen USB hubs with physical switches for each port, they provide a handy way to cut the power to individual devices, but only if you’re close enough to …read more
#hacking #projects
Cheap LCD Uses USB Serial
Browsing the Asian marketplaces online is always an experience. Sometimes, you see things at ridiculously low prices. Other times, you see things and wonder who is buying them and why …read more
#hacking #projects
Balloon-Eye View via Ham Radio
If you’ve ever thought about launching a high-altitude balloon, there’s much to consider. One of the things is how do you stream video down so that you — and others …read more
#hacking #projects
Atari Introduces a New Old Console
Readers of a certain age no doubt remember the Atari 2600 — released in 1977, the 8-bit system helped establish the ground rules for gaming consoles as we know them …read more
#hacking #projects
Bringing Da Vinci’s Saw Mill to Life
DaVinci’s notebook — the real one, not the band — was full of wonderous inventions, though many were not actually built and probably weren’t even practical with the materials available …read more
#hacking #projects
New Electric Motor Tech Spins with No Magnets
When you think of electric motors, you usually think of magnets. But magnets are heavy, and good magnets can pose problems when you need lots of them. A technology called …read more
#hacking #projects
Grannophone Helps You Stay In Touch
Whether it’s distance, pandemics, or both that separate you from your elderly loved ones, what’s the best idea for communicating with them so they don’t suffer from loneliness on top …read more
#hacking #projects
Hackaday Links: September 10, 2023
Most of us probably have a vision of how “The Robots” will eventually rise up and deal humanity out of the game. We’ve all seen that movie, of course, and …read more
#hacking #projects
Upgraded Graphics Gremlin Adds HDMI Video to Vintage PCs
Although new VGA-equipped monitors can still be bought, the old standard is definitely on its way out by now, being replaced by high-speed digital interfaces like HDMI and DisplayPort. It …read more
#hacking #projects
Open Deck Is Your Window to Shortcuts
Once in a while, we see projects that could easily pass for commercial products. This is one of those projects: a (surprisingly) low-cost DIY macro pad from [Josh R] that …read more
#hacking #projects
Industrial Surge Protector Teardown
Surge protectors are a common item in the modern household, but the Meanwell unit that [Big Clive] tears apart was clearly intended for commercial use. In fact, he mentions it was …read more
#hacking #projects
Zinc-Air, The Next Contender In Vehicle Batteries?
If you’ve got an interest in technology, it’s inevitable that your feed will feature a constant supply of stories with titles in the vein of “New battery breakthrough offers unlimited …read more
#hacking #projects
Pi Pico Becomes SRAM for 1981 Educational Computer
Ever since the Raspberry Pi Pico was introduced in early 2021 we’ve seen the tiny Pi being used for an astonishing variety of applications. It has powered countless clocks, gadgets, …read more
#hacking #projects
When Tail Lights Lose Touch With Reality
To study the history of the automobile is to also be a student of technological progress — as with each decade’s models come new innovations to make them better handling, …read more
#hacking #projects
The WebStick is a Small, Cheap NAS
The ESP8266 was one of the first chips that provided wireless functionality at a cost low enough to be widely popular for small microcontroller projects. This project uses one to …read more
#hacking #projects
Tape is Very, Very Quiet
If someone stops by and asks you to help them make some noisy thing less noisy, you probably wouldn’t reach for a roll of tape. But [The Action Lab] shows …read more
#hacking #projects