Antragsgemäß haben wir Ihnen das folgende Kennzeichen "D-ETSI" für Ihr Muster "Sling TSi-JG" vorgemerkt.
#aviation #experimentalaviation #projectslingtsi #slingtsi #sling #tsi #detsi
#Aviation #experimentalaviation #projectslingtsi #slingtsi #sling #tsi #detsi
Added the two plates. The lower one is cut properly to fit between the legs of the workbench.
#aviation #experimentalaviation #projectslingtsi
#Aviation #experimentalaviation #projectslingtsi
Preparing the workshop by building a workbench… It’s the first workbench to test the design. Two additional ones will follow!
#aviation #projectslingtsi #experimentalaviation
#Aviation #projectslingtsi #experimentalaviation