Hear/see first hand an assortment of the Godfather's, along w/ the Premier Godmother, of a lot of the #DarkMoney that lords over #America right now starting 5yrs ago. Watch as they award themselves for their skilled efforts in corrupting & corroding our precious democratic experiment. Evil in plain sight.
#GinniThomas #LeonardLeo #SeanHannity #DanBongino #LarryPArnn #ThomasJFitton #CharlieKirk #JamesOkeefe of #ProjectVeritas #ChrisPlante #RichardViguerie #BobMcEwen
#bobmcewen #richardviguerie #chrisplante #projectveritas #jamesokeefe #charliekirk #thomasjfitton #larryparnn #danbongino #seanhannity #LeonardLeo #ginnithomas #america #darkmoney
Mr. O'Keefe was never a journalist. He's a right-wing ratf*cker who's only in it for the money. Like his golden god, the nonprofit #ProjectVeritas was part of the grift from the start. Laws are for other people. https://wapo.st/44FkySO
Project Veritas audit accuses ‘untouchable’ founder of improper spending
A law firm’s report alleges James O’Keefe spent nonprofit funds on helicopter travel and DJ equipment and that his ‘volatile’ behavior disrupted the workplace by Will Sommer @washingtonpost https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/the-media/2023/09/06/project-veritas-james-okeefe-audit-spending-volatile/ #jamesOKeefe #projectVeritas #rightwing #extremism #cult
#cult #extremism #rightwing #projectveritas #jamesokeefe
The #ProjectVeritas we knew and love is GONE
The #ProjectVeritas we knew and love is GONE
James O’Keefe Is Now Under Investigation for Looting Project Veritas
Prosecutors in Westchester County, N.Y., are pursuing charges against the right’s premiere “gotcha video” scammer, for scamming his own donors...#ProjectVeritas..#GOP..#whitenationalism..
#projectveritas #gop #WhiteNationalism
Is anyone surprised by this?
Fired founder of right-wing org Project Veritas is under investigation in New York
"Former #ProjectVeritas Board Member #Tyrmand Who Reportedly Led Effort To Remove James O'Keefe Tied To Chinese-Affiliated Company Cathaid With Child Surveillance Ties"
Bad day for #ProjectVeritas.
#ProjectVeritas exposes 8GB of documents of #China's #5yearplan for business, bio-engineering, military technology, AI and more
#projectveritas #China #5yearplan
It looks like Wikipedia editors have been discussing OMG and options on how to deal with us on wiki— including “blacklisting” us.
“The truth value of anything O’Keefe writes is unrelated to reality”
Who are these people on Wikipedia? Can someone tell me what’s going on here?
#projectveritas #omg #okeefemediagroup
@obihahn @CSB Didn't #JamesOkeefe's #ProjectVeritas go after #FoxNews when they refused to let a local reporter, #IvoryHecker, share antivaxx info on-air?
#jamesokeefe #projectveritas #foxnews #ivoryhecker
That NYT article I just posted sparked a fire in me to research more on Erik Prince's secretive ops. He's a sick and slimy one, which may be why we never hear much about him in the news. He's been reported to be at the head of many of the trolling/harassment ops (Flynn's digital army).
I found this to be a fascinating read on his bkgd/connections. Recall #ProjectVeritas recently bounced their founder, James O'Keefe. I believe they're all starting to feel the heat 🔥
Fed prosecutors investigating possible campaign finance violations in connection with an undercover operation based in #Wyoming that aimed to infiltrate progressive groups, political campaigns and offices of elected reps before 2020 election…
Prosecutors also sought communications, documents or financial records tied to #ErikPrince the international security consultant, as well as former operatives who worked for the conservative group #ProjectVeritas and its founder.
#projectveritas #erikprince #wyoming
Bad #tradecraft
#tradecraft #politicalsabotageoperation #susangore #projectveritas #branchsixconsultinginternational #richardseddon #ericprince #DonaldTrump
An #FBI agent, who was presented in a public hearing by House Republicans as a whistleblower, was suspended by the bureau because internal investigators had concluded he leaked sensitive investigative information to #ProjectVeritas, reports NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/fbi-agent-testified-republicans-was-suspended-leaked-classified-inform-rcna88407
[NYT paywall] #ErikPrince Recruits Ex-Spies to Help Infiltrate Liberal Groups
by Mark Mazetti, 2020
"Mr. Prince, a contractor close to the Trump administration, contacted veteran spies for operations by #ProjectVeritas, the conservative group known for conducting stings on news organizations and other groups"
#erikprince #projectveritas #blackwater #spies