I haven’t read the entire thing yet but this tune is very familiar (even the specific example, I spent a few years in data engineering and this drove me crazy).
I agree that what we’ve discussed for #projektaleph is a way out, and this even pairs nicely with the Swyft/Cat stuff as well (it was all memory-based).
I’ll read the rest shortly and maybe have more to say, but I wanted to confirm this asap because I think it’s 100% the right direction.
@vertigo I pictured #ProjektAleph to be akin to an SBC whereas what I’m noodling on here would be a complete system.
But it could definitely have an aleph heart ❤️
@vertigo to that end I’ve been wondering if there is intersection with some of the ideas/goals we’ve been exploring with #ProjektAleph , even if only the idea of building the thing up from “scratch” from fpga fabric.
If I get “serious” about forth I definitely want something cool to run it on, and capable of some of the projects I’ve had in mind for awhile.
@vertigo now we could only get @requiem to make a website for #ProjektAleph >__>
@vertigo this has come full circle, I saw @neauoire other post and now remember what #uxn is 😁
It’s awesome, and I’d love to entangle #ProjektAleph in it 😇
@requiem I checked out #ProjektAleph and I did not find anything of note about it. I am curious about it. Care to describe it? Thanks!
So a little medical surprise has thrown a wrench in my personal hackathon this week, but it's settled-out a bit now and I'm hoping to still salvage some of the extra time I have.
Hoping to throw at least a few hours at #ProjektAleph and #ApresWeb if not #iwagtetw and an assortment of other plans I had...
#iwagtetw #apresweb #projektaleph
Bit the Audible bullet so I can listen to Neuromancer to inspire thoughts and ideas for #ProjektAleph during the 10 hours I’ll be driving through blizzards tomorrow.