PoliticalPuffin in the UK · @PoliticalPuffin
201 followers · 757 posts · Server union.place

"MPs’ staff survey finds distress at levels similar to frontline workers"

This piece is.gd/MP_Staffers_MentalHealth says "42% of MPs’ staff met... definition of experiencing psychological distress"

This is, in part, due to dealing with near suicidal constituents, amongst others. It's hard to not have sympathy. Will this show MPs that even the are not immune to problems of the Yes. Will it change anything? Doubtful. The staffers are struggling to get mh supp. Like everyone

#NHS #middleclass #proles

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm dismayed at some of the people on the throwing shade at as "some noise." Like, this is literally people the of mass communication, and these people are opting to side with the because apparently it turns out the are actually scary.
The ideal socialist condition would be independent communities self-governing and engaging in mutual aid. How the hell does fit that model even *remotely* better than ?

#proles #left #libertarian #profiteers #twitter #mastodon #decentralization #seizing #means

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Spector · @Dhmspector
291 followers · 144 posts · Server mastodon.social

How iiiiiinteresting. If any if us declared for a decade the would declare our a , disallow the , and charge back taxes and hefty and


#proles #losses #irs #business #hobby #deductions #fines #penalties

Last updated 2 years ago