"when someone in the imperial core or their org self-describes as “#Marxist-Feminist” or “#Proletarian #Feminist”, what they actually mean by that >99% of the time is:
“we can use the bourgeois cops, prison system, and deportations to Protect Women. we campaign for bourgeois reforms to more intensely harass, surveil, incarcerate, fine, and deport sex workers. our org also works directly with police and feds for propaganda/messaging purposes, mutual training and building of ‘expertise’, and identifying specific targets to raid and people to arrest”
it's one thing to fall for this a couple times and wrongly take such self-descriptions at face value in good faith
but after a certain point it's actually your fault if you don't notice what they overwhelmingly mean by “Marxist-Feminist” or “Proletarian Feminist” and you continue being credulous toward these people"
#marxist #proletarian #feminist
friday feels nice after some honest proletarian work in the fields picking strawberries
#photography #labour #photo #proletarian #floraReport #farmWork
#farmwork #florareport #proletarian #photo #labour #photography
Mai Dantsig, 'Lenin's >Spark<' (1969)
#art #revolutionary #press #workers #movement #proletarian #RussianEmpire #Russian #revolution #communism #socialism #socialdemocracy #painting #agitation #propaganda #Marxism
#art #Revolutionary #press #workers #movement #proletarian #russianempire #russian #Revolution #communism #socialism #socialdemocracy #painting #agitation #propaganda #marxism
I've been reading #Lenin's "The #Proletarian #Revolution and the Renegade #Kautsky", specifically the (admittedly first) section titled "How Kautsky Turned #Marx Into a Common #Liberal", and... well I'll just explain myself.
But TLDR: Is shitting on Liberals is an effective radicalization strategy? The answer may surprise you!
Oh also here's a link to the section. You can read the whole work on this site as well
I like to think I'm more of a technical person, where I appreciate level headed #analysis in #text. This probably comes from the false dichotomy between school smarts and emotional intelligence imposed on us by a young age, but I digress. The way I've been so lucidly enjoying this reading makes me question the way I speak about my own beliefs.
For example, read the following excerpt from the aforementioned reading:
"The question of the dictatorship of the proletariat is a question of the relation of the proletarian state to the bourgeois state, of proletarian democracy to bourgeois democracy. One would think that this is as plain as a pikestaff. But Kautsky, like a schoolmaster who has become as dry as dust from quoting the same old textbooks on history, persistently turns his back on the twentieth century and his face to the eighteenth century, and for the hundredth time, in a number of paragraphs, in an incredibly tedious fashion chews the old cud over the relation of bourgeois democracy to absolutism and medievalism!
"It sounds just like he were chewing rags in his sleep!
"But this means he utterly fails to understand what is what! One cannot help smiling at Kautsky’s effort to make it appear that there are people who preach “contempt for democracy” (p. 11) and so forth. That is the sort of twaddle Kautsky uses to befog and confuse the issue, for he talks like the liberals, speaking of democracy in general, and not of bourgeois democracy; he even avoids using this precise, class term, and, instead, tries to speak about “presocialist” democracy. This windbag devotes almost one-third of his pamphlet, twenty pages out of sixty-three, to this twaddle, which is so agreeable to the bourgeoisie, for it is tantamount to embellishing bourgeois democracy, and obscures the question of the proletarian revolution."
This was literally just like 3 paragraphs dedicated to defaming Kautsky's character. And while on further reflection I noticed how the arguments weren't very substantial (Lenin does go on to make a real argument, but not before further laying into Kautsky), I ate that shit up. It's one of the first parts of the section and launched me into my current fervor.
It makes me wonder if the human condition is to emotionally respond to ideas before intellectually responding to them (or something more general than this probably). If so, one could use this to their advantage by emotionally baiting someone and then filling the intellectual hole with drivel. As I type this out, I am realizing this is both the Republican and Democratic agenda, they just use the emotions of fear and self-righteousness (coupled with fear) respectively.
Something that has been effective in getting the conservative people in my life to take my ideas more seriously is by waiting for them to bring up their hatred of liberals (give it 5 minutes, it's fucking crazy how that seems to be the only conservative talking point) and then going "yeah me too, but I think I fall to the left of that spectrum." Emotional response is opened by them, so the subsequent filling of information does not feel imposed (as I often find it does, at least in the way that I bring it up lol). Further, the information provided is very "outside the box" for your average political thinker (in my area), so I've noticed people will sometimes act like you let them in on a lil' secret political party, and we all know exclusivity = cool (under capitalism, which repubs and dems goddam love).
I kinda lost the plot in this post, but my ultimate point is that Liberals and Conservatives HATE each other and thus impose a false dichotomy on a limited part of the political spectrum. Radicalizing (misguided) liberals is easy, because anything that gets them further from Repubs is an inherent good in their ideology, but Conservatives are tough cookies to crack. But talk to a conservative using their programming language (the language of hate), and all of a sudden they start to see your side.
And that's the best part of #anarchism. Once someone starts seeing it your way, it's really hard for them to stop.
#Lenin #proletarian #Revolution #Kautsky #marx #liberal #analysis #text #anarchism
" We are on the precipice of extinction, and the fate of every living being on this planet is at stake. That’s not an alarmist statement; we are rapidly reaching the point of no return, millions of lives have already been given their expiration dates because of the gluttony of a privileged few. "
#feminism #proletarian #antifa #antifascist
#feminism #proletarian #antifa #antifascist
Also by #proletarian I mean anyone who works for a living. If you make a living by doing anything rather than by owning stuff, you're still a proletarian, or at most petite bourgeois. Being proletarian isn't about how much you earn, it's about your relationship to the means of production.
Vamos hoy con el #libro "Daily Affirmations for the #Revolutionary #Proletarian #Militant" de la enorme #StephanieMcMillan :as: :solidarity: :socialistflag2: :socialiststar:
Va a ser bastante distinto de otras #reseñas que he escrito por aquí: lo que haré será seleccionar, en un #hilo largo, varias de mis viñetas favoritas de entre las que la autora compartió hace años en una red privativa, y que he estado rescatando estos días mientras borraba sistemáticamente todo el contenido de mi cuenta de allí.
Creo que son mensajes e imágenes muy inspiradoras y que de muchas de ellas podemos sacar enseñanzas, reflexiones y consejos útiles. Espero que os gusten la mitad que a mí y que, si no la conocíais, os sirvan para presentaros a esta artista y compañera de lucha :anarchoheart3:
#hilo #reseñas #StephanieMcMillan #militant #proletarian #Revolutionary #libro