Monday review – our recent stories revisited - Get yourself up to date with everything we've written in the last seven days - it's weekly roundup... #weeklysummary #vulnerability #mondayreview #twitterhack #ransomware #boothole #prolock #irs
#irs #prolock #boothole #ransomware #twitterhack #mondayreview #vulnerability #weeklysummary
ProLock ransomware – new report reveals the evolution of a threat - Ransomware crooks keep adjusting their approach to make their demands more compelling, even agains... more: #ransomware #cybercrime #pwndlocker #extortion #prolock
#prolock #extortion #pwndlocker #cybercrime #ransomware
ProLock Ransomware Teams Up With QakBot Trojan to Infect Victims - ProLock is relatively new, but already the ransomware is making waves by using QakBot infections t... more: #remotedesktopprotocol #ransomware #microsoft #malware #prolock #qakbot #trojan #qbot #rdp
#rdp #qbot #trojan #qakbot #prolock #malware #microsoft #ransomware #remotedesktopprotocol
The ProLock ransomware doesn’t tell you one important thing about decrypting your files - Have your computers been hit by the ProLock ransomware? You might want to read this before you pa... more: #ransomware #malware #prolock #qakbot #fbi
#fbi #qakbot #prolock #malware #ransomware