Opis komunikacji w Świnoujściu nie byłby kompletny bez wspomnienia o promach pasażerskich. Miasto, jak pisałem, położone jest głównie na 2 wyspach - Uznamie i Wolinie (trzeci jest Karsibór, ale na nim mało kto mieszka). Od niedawna Uznam i Wolin połączone są tunelem pod Świną, jednak przeprawa promowa w centrum nadal spełnia kluczową funkcję w transporcie między wyspami.
Obsługują ją 4 promy o wspólnej nazwie "Bielik" (na zdjęciu Bielik IV), zbudowane w 1998 r. w Szczecinie, mogące zabrać do 700 pasażerów i około 30 samochodów. Przepłynięcie 300-metrowego koryta Świny zabiera kilkanaście minut, wliczając w to czas na odbicie i przybicie do przystani.
Latem żegluga jest dość spokojna, ale widziałem filmy, na których zimą silny wiatr potrafi obrócić taki prom prawie prostopadle do kierunku płynięcia...
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Liberty University Students Are Challenging Its Anti-Dancing Policy https://jezebel.com/liberty-university-students-are-challenging-its-anti-da-1850768154?utm_source=regular #Jezebel #conservatismintheunitedstates #christianfundamentalists #libertyuniversity #onlinepetitions #jerryfalwell #changeorg #education #dance #swope #prom
#jezebel #conservatismintheunitedstates #christianfundamentalists #libertyuniversity #onlinepetitions #jerryfalwell #changeorg #education #dance #swope #prom
A shimmering sea of flashlight stars during Cornfield Chase. A glorious moment in #annalapwood 's Moon and Stars #prom at the Albert Hall last night.
@realTuckFrumper 🥥 There go #Marge's chances to be queen of the bat-shit crazy #prom! 🥥
#Sewing #Pride #NonBinary #LGBTQ #2SLGTBQIA #Prom #SlowFashion
#sewing #pride #nonbinary #lgbtq #2slgtbqia #prom #slowfashion
But the most smiles and most fun they had were from changing into different outfits from the racks and clean clothes provided for that reason. My favorite ensemble was white sneakers, blue jeans, purple dress, with a grey patterned suit jacket. Really good idea whoever came up with that.
Helped at a '90s Pride Prom tonight.
Date held later than others to avoid conflict with other events and to stay safe as possible.
Good security team.
They ate food, drank juice and soda, formed little cliques, no one dancing except the old folks chaperoning embarrassing the teens. So except for the mobile phones--just like most proms.
Working on my son's prom outfit today.
They're gonna be rocking a corset, combat boots, and this skirt which is covered in flowers and will have a tulle bubble skirt over it.
Dude is gonna ROCK it.
(son is NB and uses they/he)
Now I just have to glue down all the flowers and vines...
#Sewing #Pride #NonBinary #LGBTQ #2SLGTBQIA #Prom #SlowFashion #WIP
#sewing #pride #nonbinary #lgbtq #2slgtbqia #prom #slowfashion #wip
So... after sharing my screenshot of PC Paintbrush IV Plus earlier that day, I went to my high school's #prom last night, and I had LOTS of fun and I danced the night away. I was actually lucky to attend it twice; one last year and now one THIS year.
I even got to be in the center of a dance circle at one point and I was part of a conga line later in the night!
As for the wardrobe, I wore a black tuxedo with a red bow tie and vest. These were all part of a rental.
Dresses. Suits. Shoes. Photographers. Haircuts. Limos. Boutonnieres and corsages. A restaurant bill.
Prom isn’t cheap. But the good news (for parents, specifically) is that despite the spike in #inflation and the general rise of price tags over the last few decades – the cost to attend #prom is falling in relative terms, according to an economist who crunched the numbers.
RT @PolskaMorska: Pierwszy #prom dla Polskiej Żeglugi Morskiej na przełomie 2024 i 2025 roku ❗️
#Promy mają być „nowoczesne, proekologiczne i niskoemisyjne”. Będą napędzane hybrydowymi silnikami na #LNG i paliwo dieselowskie, ze wspomaganiem bateryjnym.
https://polska-morska.pl/2023/05/24/pierwszy-prom-dla-polskiej-zeglugi-morskiej-na-przelomie-2024-i-2025-roku/ https://t.co/FTi2ZM14jH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/marekgrobarczyk/status/1661424305094131733
Against a backdrop of anti-trans bills and hatred, a group of teens arranged Trans Prom, which took place yesterday in Washington D.C. Here's a look at the night of celebration, joy and pride, which was attended by 150 people from 16 states.
#lgbtq #transrightsarehumanrights #prom #graduation
Ohio High School crowns LGBTQ+ prom court, threats erupt
Being voted for the honor of being prom royalty by their peers was special, at least until hate and negative feedback targeted the pair
#lgbtq #prom #lgbt #ohio