#PromCon EU 2022: Tamland: How #GitLab SaaS Uses Long-Term Monitoring Data For Capacity Forecasting 📈 https://go.gitlab.com/edTC3X
Andrew Newdigate at #PromCon "Tamland: How GitLab.Com Uses Long-Term Monitoring Data For Capacity Forecasting" timestamped at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDdlDRkuVL8&t=6h16m35s
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jjyIEmVAhU9KN2KqyqEv8N-xHbRPudrWAMMMNmz2PUo/edit?usp=sharing
#promcon #monitoring #Observability #forecasting #capacityplanning
RT @dnsmichi
Perses, an early preview by @nexucis 🌱
A new standard for dashboarding in the @CloudNativeFdn ecosystem
@PrometheusIO compatible
#GitOps friendly
Embeddable - maybe improve graph display in Prometheus
Thank you to all organizers, speakers, MCs, sponsors, everyone for a wonderful #PromCon 🤗
See you in Berlin 2023 😍
Thanks to all organizers, sponsors and attendees for making #PromCon an inclusive and enjoyable event 🤗
It's my first PromCon in person, after changing roles and jobs in 2020. Love the @Prometheus community 💜
Shoutout to @RichiH for handing me the tall-person-shirt 🥰
Looking forward to day 2 🌈
RT @dnsmichi@twitter.com
Call to action @suprememoocow@twitter.com
Retain your Metrics!
Use @ThanosMetrics@twitter.com @cortex@twitter.com @grafana@twitter.com mimir @TimescaleDB@twitter.com or other storage types to retain downsampled metric data over months or years.
Once again it is @roidelapluie talking at #promcon. , this time about o11y.tools
A very good about the problems with communities, OSS maintainers and the tech industry.
Kudos to @maellyssa ! 👏👏👏
#PromCon2022 #promcon
RT @dnsmichi@twitter.com
✨ Improved
Quantile estimation
Average calculation
Fraction estimation
with native histograms in @PrometheusIO@twitter.com in the future 📈
Thank you Beorn & @_codesome@twitter.com 🤗
Ensayando y dando los últimos toques a la presentación de mañana en la #promcon.
Let's rock!
Ensayando y dando los últimos toques a la presentación de mañana en la #promcon.
Let's rock!