Happy #AlienDay #LV426 Raising a glass to the best #SciFi movies of all time. #Alien #Aliens #Aliens3 (Most of it) #PrometheusMovie (Yes it has grown on me over the years. Despite the completely implausible writing)
To all my fellow connoisseurs I say: Frost, Dietrich, Crowe, Wierzbowski, Apone, Drake, Ferro, Spunkmeyer, Hudson, Burke, Gorman, Vasquez, Ripley, Newt, and Jonesy P.S: (David, Elizabeth Shaw, Gilbert, Dallas, Parker, Bishop, Dillon, Janek, Ash, Ms. Vickers & all the Xenomorphs.)
#prometheusmovie #aliens3 #aliens #alien #scifi #lv426 #alienday