Rick Ross held a #ghetto car show! Beautiful cars, well loved & cherished. If only these blacks put the same level of personal pride & prize into #education
Ghettoizing the Italian cars is heartbreaking!
#rickross #carshow #promiseland #gunviolence #newmoney #atlanta #blackculturecelebration #carculture
#carculture #blackculturecelebration #atlanta #newmoney #gunviolence #promiseland #carshow #rickross #education #ghetto
Rick Ross held a #ghetto car show! Sea of hood rats yet no one got shot. #itispossible
His neighbours must love him!
#newmoney #gunviolence #promiseland #carshow #rickross #itispossible #ghetto
The Strokes playing Forest Hills Stadium with Angel Olsen & more (BV presale) #2023_04_11 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #tour_dates #angel_olsen #promiseland #seaton_smith #the_strokes
#2023_04_11 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #tour_dates #angel_olsen #promiseland #seaton_smith #the_strokes
In #Canada I would qualify for medically assisted suicide under their new MAID laws. Here in the U.S. I am expected to just tolerate it all. What no one even bothers to understand. There is no such thing as me finding peace of mind in this world.
I would need to get Canadian citizenship, but that takes money I don't have and have no way of getting. Don't tell me Canada is not the promise land. (yes, I know all the details of getting citizenship. I've studied them thoroughly)
I've lived like this for 25 years now. I think I've paid my dues. I deserve to die with dignity. There are not too many people who could live for one year as I have for 25.
#MAID #MAIDlaws #disabilityjustice #disability #disabilities #promiseland #medhum
#canada #maid #MAIDlaws #disabilityjustice #disability #disabilities #promiseland #medhum
I read #Obama's 700-page #pro-war monologue so you don't have to #promiseland #funny #imperialism #war https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=7p-8xWyTSrc
#war #imperialism #funny #promiseland #pro #obama