@Apocryphiliac Disco to gore ratio really needs an adjustment! 🤣👍📼
On July 2, 1985, Prom Night debuted on VHS in Hong Kong.
#PromNight #SlasherMovies #CultMovies #FanArt #Horror #HorrorMovies #MovieArt #1980s #JamieLeeCurtis #SlasherArt #Drawing #Movies #Film #Art
#promnight #slashermovies #cultmovies #FanArt #horror #horrormovies #movieart #1980s #jamieleecurtis #slasherart #drawing #movies #film #art
Und fertig mit #ZombiesVsUnicorns 🥲💔 #PromNight von #LibbaBray war auch wieder super und grausam.
#zombiesvsunicorns #promnight #libbabray
#MySchoolPresidentOnStageD2 is trending! Check out the fan reactions to this incredible school performance and prom night. #GMMTV #liveperformance #promnight https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-03-19&topic=#MySchoolPresidentOnStageD2
#promnight #liveperformance #gmmtv #myschoolpresidentonstaged2
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 11: a (positively awkward) #SchoolDance for #NationalPromposalDay
Frederick Wiseman is the fly-on-the-wall at Northeast High School, filming teenage angst and awkwardness. There's talk of #PromNight, and small dramas when it turns out that above-the-knee is not formal wear thankyouverymuchyounglady. The dance itself is never shown. This is High School (1968). I'm glad I never have to set foot in one ever again.
#film #FrederickWiseman #HighSchool #documentary #CinémaVérité #Prom #TeenageAngst @film https://letterboxd.com/12pt9/list/bales2023filmchallenge
#bales2023filmchallenge #schooldance #nationalpromposalday #promnight #film #frederickwiseman #highschool #documentary #cinemaverite #prom #teenageangst
On February 12, 1981 Prom Night debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s a sketch of Jamie Lee Curtis to mark the occasion!
#PromNight #PaulLynch #JamieLeeCurtis #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #SlasherMovies #SlasherArt #HorrorFanArt #Canuxploitation #CanadianHorror #SlasherFanArt #ScreamQueen #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#promnight #paullynch #jamieleecurtis #horrormovies #horrorart #slashermovies #slasherart #horrorfanart #canuxploitation #canadianhorror #slasherfanart #screamqueen #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
In efforts to return to my tradition of watching a #slasher movie every Friday night, we rewatched #PromNight 4.
What sets this apart from the others of this 1991 film is the killer. A priest that may be possessed by the devil escapes from his hidden Catholic imprisonment to kill sluts and their accomplices. Yes, it kooky. And funny.
The final girl is prominent today. Nicole de Boer who played the mathematician in Cube, and had lead roles in a #startrek series and #thedeadzone series.
A healthy amount of gore and balls before #horror died in the nineties.
#slasher #promnight #startrek #thedeadzone #horror
100 Years of Horror: Tournament of Champions 3 on 3
Select up to 3 of movies that best represent the decade. You may vote for movies not on the list:
#Horrorofthe1980s :
#horromovies #horrorstories #horrorfiction #horror #art #horrorcommunity #horrorfam #mutantfam #filmcritic #Film #movies
#horrorofthe1980s #theshining #fridaythe13th #thefog #evildead2 #promnight #anamericanwerewolfinlondon #thething #videodrome #poltergeist #thefly #theylive #anightmareonelmstreet #reanimator #petsematary #christine #horromovies #horrorstories #horrorfiction #horror #art #horrorcommunity #horrorfam #mutantfam #filmcritic #film #movies
@YayForThat @grryboy @LukeySixx 1980s:
- #TheShining (1980)
- #FridayThe13th (1980)
- #TheFog (1980)
- #Maniac (1980)
- #PromNight (1980)
- #TheEvilDead (1981)
- #MyBloodyValentine (1981)
- #FridayThe13thPart2 (1981)
- #DeadAndBuried (1981)
- #AnAmericanWerewolfInLondon (1981)
- #TheThing (1982)
- #Poltergeist (1982)
- #FridayThe13thPartIII (1982)
- #Videodrome (1983)
- #TheDeadZone (1983)
- #Christine (1983)
#horror #HorrorMovie #horrorFam #MutantFam #HorrorCommunity #movies #moviecritic
#theshining #fridaythe13th #thefog #maniac #promnight #theevildead #mybloodyvalentine #fridaythe13thpart2 #anamericanwerewolfinlondon #thething #poltergeist #fridaythe13thpartiii #videodrome #thedeadzone #christine #horror #horrormovie #horrorfam #mutantfam #horrorcommunity #movies #moviecritic #deadandburied
Absolutely loving #Conner being a carryover character in #Agency after first being in #ThePeripheral he's a totally fun #BadAss #PromNight @GreatDismal
#promnight #badass #theperipheral #agency #conner
Absolutely loving #Conner being a carryover character in #Agency after first being in #ThePeripheral he's a totally fun #BadAss #PromNight #WilliamGibson
#williamgibson #promnight #badass #theperipheral #agency #conner
Here's a little recap of our weekend! ✌️♥️🍝
#noiserock #powertools #bitchpop #artrock #avantgarde #theremin #glitter #promnight #powertrio #postrock #experimental
#noiserock #powertools #bitchpop #artrock #avantgarde #theremin #glitter #promnight #powertrio #postrock #experimental