This is a picture of the famous #MTBoS portal that Bowman promised to get working for us, but other obligations have clearly interfered with his work.
Some truths and maybe a lie or two or three:
1. I attended every Twitter Math Camp
2. I was once fired by Steve Jobs three times in the same day
3. I believe that understanding the psychology of the learning process/cycle is more important to helping students succeed than anything else.
#prompt3 #classroommath #mtbos this brings me joy just because it was a really cool bar in a cool building and is a reminder why I love my city so much.
#mtbos #classroommath #prompt3
Two Truths and a Maybe a Lie
1. I have read 4.5 books so far this summer.
2. I have been teaching middle school math and science for about 25 years.
3. My daughter is going to follow in my footsteps and be a teacher, as well.
My picture was taken while hiking with my daughter in the Niagara Gorge….my happy place squared…being with my family and being outdoors in the summer.
#classroommath #prompt3
I'm a bit late to the party with this one, but better late than never!
2 truths & 1 lie...
1. I found time to read two books already this summer.
2. I'm excited to be teaching pre-algebra this year (& using Desmos Classroom for the curriculum).
3. This upcoming year will be my 22nd season of teaching.
Last month, it was great to visit Chicago for the Desmos Fellows 2023 reunion. It brought be joy to see so many awesome friends and meet new people.
Two truths and one lie:
1) I have completed over 8000 nonogram puzzles
2) I love spicy food so I have 35 hot pepper plants in my garden.
3) I’ve never eaten or been to Pizza Hut.
My crazy dog brings me joy. This picture in particular makes me smile because I love getting to spend summers with her and chasing the water from the hose is one of her favorite things.
Some facts about me that may be truths or lies
1. I have never eaten meat, and so when I was a food runner at a restaurant in high school trying to earn some bucks, I told a cook they made the wrong thing because I had a giant slab of meat in front of me and the ticket said “filet minion” and I thought filet meant a thin delicate slice of meat just because of how it sounded, and was promptly chastised by the cook.
2. I briefly met Anthony Kennedy, saw RBG speak, have visited the Supreme Court, have listened to hundreds and hundreds of hours of oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court, have listened to many podcasts about the court, and have read a fair number of books about the courts.
3. I got to hold a physics Nobel prize once after hearing a talk from a then recent winner, and a number of years later I got to comb through a different physics Nobel prize winner’s archive for weeks.
As for a picture, the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah at sunset were otherworldly, peaceful, mathematical, and I felt — for all the hours I spent frolicking there — like I was fully immersed in the present and sublimely joyful.
Here we go!
1. I love trying new foods
2. I've traveled to Japan
3. I have marched at Lambeau Field
This photo is of Devil's Lake which is outside of the town I live and teach in, and I took it while on a ride on my scooter. I love the calmness of bodies of water as well as the solitude of a good ride around the countryside on my scooter to either just get some fresh air or decompress from a stressful day...or both!
#mtbos #prompt3 #classroommath
Two truths and a lie:
1) I co-host a math ed podcast and am always looking for teachers to join as guests!
2) I've been to 5 continents so far.
3) I dream of opening my own escape room someday.
And here is what brings me joy daily because they make me giggle. My dorky pups:
1. I ran my first marathon in my 40s
2. I took a cruise to Antarctica in my 30s
3. I’ve been to 8 European countries for vacation over the past 11 years.
Im adding two pics - one is the view of Seattle from the ferry on my new commute this fall, and the other is one of my wife’s art pieces!
PS - I’ve been using Ice Cubes and really enjoying it!
*I've considered quitting teaching to become a professional triathlete.
*I've biked from California to Tierra del Fuego.
*I've led a group of teens on a 1000 mile bike trip from Paris to Barcelona
2 Truths and a Lie
1) I went to a concentration camp on my honeymoon.
2) I love having my photo taken.
3) I hate watching tiny house tours on YouTube.
I am hoping to connect with some Ontario math teachers here, as I followed quite a few on another app.
Here is our dog Coco:
Three things:
1. The collection of my great great grandparents contains exactly fourteen people.
2. The title of my PhD thesis contains a word I made up.
3. I deeply dislike games where you have to lie.
This photo is a group of students playing Bodyscale Prime Climb at a games night earlier this year. Watching people enjoy playing together always brings me joy.
1. I'm the youngest person to ever be American Heart Association CPR certified.
2. I'm the oldest person to ever be hired as a new teacher at Greece (NY) Central Schools.
3. I'm the only person to solve every Wordle in five guesses or less.
My family attended the Rochester (NY) International Jazz Festival recently. I love how much my kids enjoy music and appreciate excellence by performers.
Three (true?) things:
-I have my student loans paid off
-I have been to Italy
-I have been paid to do bads recording in studios
The photo attached is a group of friends that I've had for 20+ years at this point. Even though we've moved cross-country and done all variety of things, we still get together a couple times a year.
#prompt3 #ClassroomMath
A. I am a twin. B. I went to India last fall C. I was kissed by Shamu
This photo brings me joy because it is of ALL of my children.
1. I love karaoke
2. I taught math for 25 years
3. I love roller coasters
This pic is of my parents and brothers. We just went on a weeklong cruise as a family. There were 15 of us! It was such a wonderful time and it can’t believe we all made it happen!
#mtbos #prompt3 #classroommath
This week will be fun and frivolous in the best kind of way, dear peeps who love math and teaching! We’re going to do two things. We’re going to play “Some truths and maybe a lie?” and also you’ll share a photograph from your phone that brings you joy -- and explain why.
In your post:
1. Write down three facts about yourself, but one, two, or all three can be lies!
2. Share your photo and explain why it brings you joy.
3. Tag your post with #prompt3 and #ClassroomMath
Of course the whole point of this is to get people talking! So after you post, look around at other posts with the #prompt3 hashtag and make a guess! Are any of them lies? All of them? Bonus fake points if you start talking with someone you’ve never talked to.
As always, to practice using mathstodon, two challenges. First, find a new hashtag based on one of your interests that people are posting with (for example, #knitting) and “follow it” so it shows up in your timeline. Then share it with the #ClassroomMath community in case others are interested.
Second, many of you have been using the official mastodon app, but (@jreulbach and @samjshah) have tried many apps and we’re loving IceCube for iPhones: So our first suggestion is to check that out!
If you have any ideas for future prompts or ways to build community, please DM @samjshah and @jreulbach! We’d love help keeping the conversations happening!
#knitting #prompt3 #classroommath
This week will be fun and frivolous in the best kind of way, dear peeps who love math and teaching! We’re going to do two things. We’re going to play “Some truths and maybe a lie?” and also you’ll share a photograph from your phone that brings you joy -- and explain why.
In your post:
1. Write down three facts about yourself, but one, two, or all three can be lies!
2. Share your photo and explain why it brings you joy.
3. Tag your post with #prompt3 and #ClassroomMath
Of course the whole point of this is to get people talking! So after you post, look around at other posts with the #prompt3 hashtag and make a guess! Are any of them lies? All of them? Bonus fake points if you start talking with someone you’ve never talked to.
As always, to practice using mathstodon, two challenges. First, find a new hashtag based on one of your interests that people are posting with (for example, #knitting) and “follow it” so it shows up in your timeline. Then share it with the #ClassroomMath community in case others are interested.
Second, many of you have been using the official mastodon app, but (@jreulbach and @samjshah) have tried many apps and we’re loving IceCube for iPhones: So our first suggestion is to check that out!
If you have any ideas for future prompts or ways to build community, please DM @samjshah and @jreulbach! We’d love help keeping the conversations happening!
#knitting #prompt3 #classroommath