Je suis en train de mettre en place #Promtail , #Loki et #Grafana pour la centralisation de la gestion de mes logs. Le plus long, c'est de configurer les alertes et les dashboards dans Grafana mais ça se fait.
Actuellement, j'utilise #Graylog mais je trouve que c'est une solution un peu trop lourde, en particulier si je regarde les ressources que ça consomme sur ma petite infra (2,5 Go de RAM pour la VM). En comparaison les VM de Loki et de Grafana consomment à elles deux environ 250 Mo de RAM.
#promtail #loki #grafana #graylog
It works, but lots of additional stuff to do to make the values visible in #grafana as the values are strings and need to be converted to numeric to show metrics. I'll ship the logs using #promtail to #loki after #JSON conversion of the #unbound #statistics in a pipeline stage. It's also working basically but it's currently not shipped as JSON but as a logfile still. I guess I know where the problem lies and can't wait to get home to test my idea. The #influxdb approach wasn't feasible at all.
#grafana #promtail #loki #json #unbound #statistics #influxdb
Next in my series on how and what I #SelfHost: #Logging
I really didn't want to run something like ElasticSearch, Splunk, Greylog, etc, just to suck in logs. Huge footprint, no benefit.
Instead, OS logs are normal syslog. Docker logs to journald. This allows me access to logs using typical OS commands (/var/log, docker logs, journalctl, etc). I run #Promtail as a global docker container, which sucks in the OS and docker logs, and sends them to #Loki, and use #Grafana to view them.
Next up is setting up LogCLI with some aliases so I can query/tail logs cross-system from the CLI.
:label: #SelfHosting
#selfhost #logging #promtail #loki #grafana #selfhosting
#grafana habe ich ja schon länger am Start, wegen der #Solaranzeige und anderen Dingen die ich in #influxdb schreibe.
Heute morgen mal mit #loki und #promtail rumgespielt.
Ich glaub da mach ich weiter…
#grafana #solaranzeige #influxdb #loki #promtail
Todo controlado con Grafana Loki #sysadmin #docker #grafana #grafana_loki #loki #prometheus #promtail #ubuntu
#sysadmin #docker #grafana #grafana_loki #loki #prometheus #promtail #ubuntu
Back in business! Charts are back!
#grafana #prometheus #loki #promtail #NodeExporter
I finally figured out how to send logs from my #truenas to #grafana #loki via #promtail. While promtail can be the target for syslog-ng, syslog-ng needs to send the logs in rfc5424 format. This can be configured by using the syslog() driver when configuring the destination, and that is currently not an available option in the truenas UI.
#truenas #grafana #loki #promtail