#PRONI is looking for volunteers to help transcribe the Cara-Friend archive. Join us at PRONI to help us transcribe and make more accessible letters relating to @CaraFriendNI and the LGBT heritage of Northern Ireland!🌈
Email proni@communities-ni.gov.uk for more info or visit the PRONI Eventbrite page https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/collabarchive-transcribathons-tickets-672073167937 #LGBTQHistory #NorthernIreland
#proni #lgbtqhistory #northernireland
#PRONI in #Belfast is preparing for its centenary with new exhibition. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-65594141 #archives #NorthernIreland
#proni #belfast #archives #northernireland
From #PRONI, 16 Jan. Secrets from the Files 1999
Sam McBride & Professor Marie Coleman reveal the secrets behind the news headlines from the most recently released government files of 1999. #StatePapers #NorthernIreland https://www.eventbrite.com/e/492639186067
#proni #statepapers #northernireland