2005年の刊行から18年、『日本人のための英語音声学レッスン』(大修館書店)は第8刷まで来ました。今回の増刷にあたり読書案内にかなり手を入れたので、その部分は出版社の許可を得て公開することにしました(公開自体は次の記事です)。#phonetics #音声学 #英語音声学 #増刷 #読書案内 #EnglishPhonetics #FurtherReading #pronunciation #発音
#発音 #pronunciation #furtherreading #englishphonetics #読書案内 #増刷 #英語音声学 #音声学 #phonetics
The "mouth" in vermouth is pronounced like moose. Or alternatively, the "outh" in vermouth is pronounced like the "uth" in Ruth.
The moose had mousse while Ruth drank vermouth.
Sometimes I think that English pronunciation was established by very drunk drunkards.
#Education #English #Pronunciation
Found this in my wanderings today. Read it out aloud if you dare!
#education #english #pronunciation
Can anyone help with a mystery of (Anglo-American??) #pronunciation differences?
Halloween ('hall...' like 'vall' in valley) is the way I say it.
But I've increasingly noticed some Americans pronounce it 'hollow' (like hollow😋).
Watching 'The Lincoln Lawyer', many of the characters pronounce the lead, 'Haller', 'holler' (as in shout).
Do the same people say 'Valholler' (ph) for 'Valhalla'?
'Gollery' for 'Gallery'?
What about Canadians? Australians?
Any other suggestions?
The alternative pronounciation of "kitten" is preading! It's basically like kitten, but with a good strong glottle stop in place of the two t's. I heard someone else pronouncing it like that today, copying mine. So yes, lots of ki''ening (kittening) going on!
#kitten #pronunciation #glottlestop
Well, don't I look stupid now!
Thanks for the correction. I trusted my Rush-obsessed drummer brother...
#pronounce #pronunciation #names #rush
#English #Pronunciation #Poll
How do you say the word "quay"?
Please reply with any additional options and/or where you're from.
How do you pronounce this common debugging tool for #linux and #unix type systems?
#linux #unix #sysadmin #devops #sre #pronunciation #opensource
#pronunciation : the act of giving the proper sound and accent
- French: prononciation
- German: die Aussprache
- Italian: pronuncia
- Portuguese: pronúncia
- Spanish: pronunciación
Fill in missing translations @
American speaks Latin to Italians in Rome – watch their reaction! 😳 🇮🇹 #YouTube #Video #Latin #Rome #Italy #Italian #America #USA #Pronunciation #Language #Languages @linguistics
#latin #rome #italian #languages #video #pronunciation #youtube #italy #america #usa #language
American speaks Latin to Italians in Rome – watch their reaction! 😳 🇮🇹 #YouTube #Video #Latin #Rome #Italy #Italian #America #USA #Pronunciation #Language #Languages
#pronunciation #youtube #latin #italy #italian #usa #rome #america #language #languages #video
#pronunciation question for #Welsh Mastodon (asking for a friend): a oes ynganiadau wahanol, ar draws Cymru, o'r 'w' mewn 'dwy' a 'blwyddyn'?
All aïoli is garlic aïoli. If you're trying to impress someone with your French, try saying "ah-yo-LEE" stressing the last syllable.
But my all means, if you're more comfortable saying "garlic aioli "ey-OH-lee," then say it that way. #pronunciation
I simply love Geoffrey Lindsey videos on #phonetics and #pronunciation
Stop and solve this #linguistics conundrum for me right now, please.
Someone on this pachyderm app just claimed that in addition to a regional divide in the #pronunciation of "route" (root vs. rowt) there's a divide in the pronunciation of *"router"*. You know, the box with the blinky lights that makes the internet go.
WHOMST among you is pronouncing "router" like it rhymes with the toilet snake?! IDENTIFY YOURSELF! (...if you would be so kind ☺️)
(Age, location, and/or your pronunciation of the similarly named woodworking tool would also be welcome data points.)
OK #Pronunciation and #StarTrek #TheNextGeneraton
You know there's that episode where Q puts everyone in a #RobinHood story?
Well, all the way through it, Vash pronounces 'Robin Hood' as 'RO-benhood' with the two names mashed together.
And I thought that was kinda weird because Robin Hood is a (fictional) person's name, and usually pronounced with more or less equal emphasis on each part:
Ro-bin Hood
Why she say it so weird?
It would be like saying 'JEAN-lucpicard'
#robinhood #thenextgeneraton #StarTrek #pronunciation
How do you pronounce “www” the abbreviation for “World Wide Web”?
#www #sysadmin #devops #sre #pronunciation #tutorial #software #developers
#www #sysadmin #devops #sre #pronunciation #tutorial #software #developers
"No, first mate, I asked you to *victual* the ship, not *whittle* the ship! Confound it!"
–A Royal Navy captain in the 17th century, probably.
#pronunciation #englishlanguage