What's your preferred style for this word?
If you're not sure, you may find this analysis helpful: https://stancarey.wordpress.com/2014/10/10/non-life-threatening-unselfconscious-hyphens/
#spelling #writing #proofreading #WritingCommunity #hyphens #orthography #copyediting #edibuddies
#spelling #writing #proofreading #writingcommunity #hyphens #orthography #copyediting #edibuddies
"In France, eating your desk isn't just a strange idea, it's against the nation's labor laws."
Say what you will about late-stage capitalism but at least in America you can eat your damn desk without the government getting involved.
Proofreading: It Matters!
#editing #proofreading #writing #writingcommunity #funny #signs #humor #humour #books
#books #humour #humor #signs #funny #writingcommunity #writing #proofreading #editing
Here it is the 23th already, but the township zoning commission hasn't removed their sign.
#proofreading #ordinalnumbers #englishishard
I feel bad for the proofreaders of metal bands. I come across hard-to-read typefaces somewhat regularly, but nothing like what metal bands use for their logos.
#proofreading #copyediting #amediting
One of the most common errors I fix when editing is known as false attraction, a form of subject–verb disagreement
Here's an example of what I mean, in a recent (and well-written) article in The Atlantic: "Research into such conditions are grossly underfunded"
A post on why it happens and some of the forms it takes:
#grammar #copyediting #editing #proofreading #writing #EditorsOfMastodon
#grammar #copyediting #editing #proofreading #writing #editorsofmastodon
When #proofreading, don’t try to do everything at once. Check consistency of layout separately from reading for typos, for example – are chapter titles formatted consistently? Are the page margins consistent? What about the styling on graphics or boxes?
Turn pages just to look at these layout issues – you see them more easily when you're not also trying to check the content.
#ThoughtLeadership #ProofreadingTips #CorporateCommunications #BusinessWriting #proofreading
#proofreading #thoughtleadership #proofreadingtips #corporatecommunications #businesswriting
Looking for editorial professionals on Mastodon?
For editors, see #AmEditing #copyediting #DevelopmentalEditing #edibuddies #editing #EditorsOfMastodon #StetWalk and @edibuddies @stetwalk.
For proofreaders, see #AmProofreading #proofreading.
For book indexers, see #AmIndexing #indexing and #indexodon.
Editors, indexers, proofreaders (ACES/CIEP/EFA/SI etc.), please say hello below. Then I’ll keep this toot pinned to help find each other. 🤓
#amediting #copyediting #developmentalediting #Edibuddies #editing #editorsofmastodon #stetwalk #amproofreading #proofreading #amindexing #indexing #Indexodon
Today, I'm proofreading a scientific journal article on Error Management Culture in the nursing field.
#whatiamdoingtoday #proofreading #sciComm
Proofreading: if a bibliography contains several authors with several references, are they treated the same way? For example, they might be in increasing or decreasing chronological order or in alphabetical order.
#ThoughtLeadership #ProofreadingTips #CorporateCommunications #BusinessWriting #proofreading
#thoughtleadership #proofreadingtips #corporatecommunications #businesswriting #proofreading
Save money by hiring a proofreader who is also a beta reader! Get in touch for more info.
#writingcommunity #betareader #betareaders #proofreading
Last week I challenged you to check alphabetisation when #proofreading a bibliography. This week, an even harder task: are entries styled consistently? Are all books treated the same way? Are journal articles treated the same way? What about volume numbers or page ranges? Don't try to do this check at the same time as alphabetisation – there's too much to think about, so for me these are separate tasks.
#ThoughtLeadership #ProofreadingTips #CorporateCommunications #BusinessWriting
#proofreading #thoughtleadership #proofreadingtips #corporatecommunications #businesswriting
I want you to picture me sub-tweeting a bestselling author as hard as possible. This book will still make the publishers So. Much. Money. #proofreading
It's surprisingly difficult to spot alphabetisation errors when #proofreading a bibliography, so make a point of looking for them.
#ThoughtLeadership #ProofreadingTips #CorporateCommunications #BusinessWriting
#proofreading #thoughtleadership #proofreadingtips #corporatecommunications #businesswriting
My #current list: :blobcatbook:
* Assessing submissions to Tangled Tree Publishing & Hot Tree Publishing
* "Just A Little Stuck With My Enemy" by Melody Sweet
* "The River's Edge" by Joy Ellis
* "The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides
* "The Only Good Indians" by Stephen Graham Jones
* "World War Z" by Max Brooks
#listening #Reading #proofreading #editing #current
Did you know?
Syl-lab-i-fi-ca-tion edi-tion
present (n. gift): pres-ent
present (adj., current): pres-ent
present (v., give): pre-sent
#AmEditing (#proofreading, really) #PageProofs
#MerriamWebster #Rules
#amediting #proofreading #pageproofs #merriamwebster #rules
My #current list: :blobcatbook:
* "The Dark Divide" by Cas E. Crowe
* Assessing submissions to Tangled Tree Publishing & Hot Tree Publishing
* "Finding Home With My Cowboy" by Sophia Quinn
* "Remember My Lies" by Drea Summer
* "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton
* "Jurassic Park" by Michael Crichton
#listening #Reading #proofreading #editing #current
Today, I'm revising a clinical article on urine tests for dogs 🐕🐾
#whatiamdoingtoday #proofreading