#Dudsey There needs to, _needs_ to be a Lulio cook book. We will await sufficient content but it writes itself. Don't go try selling endless "volumes", mkay?
It needs to be spiral bound with leaden covers like grama had.
None of this leaning on "#astonishing fan art", you can #portmanteau that up your #proompt hole.
Also see attached.
[Good job #boner?]
#dudsey #astonishing #portmanteau #proompt #boner
We need to get some ironic satirical religiousness up in this #ai
For the next decade we will be surrounded by folks who learn about "AI" on Fox and Friends, etc.
I imagine a thing that scares the fuck out them at every turn.
People forming cults? One can hope.
Herding frightened sheep for lols.
Consult #Al?. That is a touring prize level #proompt challenge.
Flood YouTube with #deepjesus? Jesus says "y'all follow ai now!"
#ai #al #proompt #deepjesus #fsm #religion #tarvuism
Has anyone thought of, for example, making a web tool that lets you automate and abuse ChatGPT? Like bot-to-bot workflows, etc.
These conversations could automatically prefix (behind the scenes, magically) every new chat, giving some kind of shaky persistent identity between chats.
For that matter, you could just literally insert, "Hi. My name is ___, Here is some general stuff about me..."
#ai #al #proompt #chatgpt #monkeypatching