Part 2 of my deep dive into post-#legalization dilemmas for the #cannabis industry in #NorthernCalifornia's #EmeraldTriangle—this one focusing on brutal and evidently racist police raids in #TrinityCounty. This is exactly what #Prop64 was supposed to put an end to. What happened?
#legalization #cannabis #northerncalifornia #emeraldtriangle #trinitycounty #prop64
The historic Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM), based in Santa Cruz, announced today that they "have finally found a home to re-open WAMM ... near Shopper's Corner." They hope to reopen in about three months.
#MedicalCannabis #Prop215 #AdultUse #Prop64
#medicalcannabis #prop215 #adultuse #prop64