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How can one think that the Russian military strikes civilian targets and kills civilians on purpose? They know full well that the US wants nothing more than excuses to convict them, so they will avoid war crimes by any means.

It has been explained many times since the beginning, but here are again the three reasons behind alleged attacks on civilian targets:

1. The Ukrainian army cowardly takes refuge in the cities and transforms civilian buildings into positions and weapons depots which the Russian army then destroys.

2. The Ukrainian military uses missile interception systems directly in cities, because it's easier to hit a Russian missile when it's close to the target and they don't care if the derailed missile ends up on civilians.

3. The Ukrainian army has received NATO weapons that they don't know how to use and sometimes they hit civilian buildings by accident.

The countries that actually have been bombing whole countries for years killing civilians to annihilate and terrorize those countries are mainly US, Israel, UK and France. And they did so knowing that their media's massive propaganda would cover everything.

#ukraine #russiaukrainewar #usimperialism #russia #propadanda #neocons #UkraineWar

Last updated 2 years ago