Also with the Machine Gun Registry closed for longer than I live, there are no new "Assault Weapons" and the few select-fire guns are already so expensive for decades, I've yet to see a single case of a school shooter even obtaining one.
#ViolenceCulture and #Mainstream #MassMedia rewarding #StochasticTerrorism with #Airtime, thus creating #PropagandaOfTheDeed that inspires copycats are the problem...
#propagandaofthedeed #airtime #stochasticterrorism #massmedia #mainstream #violenceculture
@georgetakei In a "sane" country [which is abliest btw] the issue would not exist not because of guns - they exist like alcohol, drugs and sexwork regardless of legality - but because #Mainsteam #MassMedia would not #reward #StochasticTerrorism with #airtime and thus push #PropagandaOfTheDeed whilst profiteering from tragedy...
#propagandaofthedeed #airtime #stochasticterrorism #reward #massmedia #mainsteam
@dontreportme @popcornreel the core argument is that violence in the #USA isn't frowned upon, but acts of #violence like #StochasticTerrorism are being rewarded in #mainstream #MassMedia with #airtime for the #PropagandaOfTheDeed.
Germany has ~15M legally owned (official statistics) and at least 16,7M (known discrepancy of pre-1972 sales and amnesty registrations) but most likely > 40M illegally owned guns (estimates w/ inventory losses, smuggling and DIY since 1871).
#propagandaofthedeed #airtime #massmedia #mainstream #stochasticterrorism #violence #USA
@NewsDesk The problem is that the #USA embrace said #StochasticTerrorism by rewarding it with #PropagandaOfTheDeed.
That's why these "#AdvancedSuicides" are so rampant: The perpertrators get rewarded with #airtime on millions of screens!!!
That's the problem: What people do to other people and showcase.
not the non-sentient tools used to do so!
#airtime #advancedsuicides #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #USA
@AufstandLastGen Was außer #Hausfriedensbruch und abgenervte Seccies sowie Cops und Leute von euch womöglich in Handschellen hat dies gebracht?
#PropagandaOfTheDeed funktioniert so nicht, außer ihr wollt als nervige Quälgeister wahrgenommen werden...
#propagandaofthedeed #hausfriedensbruch
@Aaron well no.
Non-sentient amalgamations of metal and plastics and/or wood aint the problem.
#ViolenceCulture is!
Thxbye but until you realize the inconvenient truth that #StochasticTerrorism amd #AdvancedSuicide|s as happening in the #USA isn't a matter of gun legislation nor amount of guns but how #Mainstream #MassMedia rewards it with #PropagandaOfTheDeed, stay out of my feed & mentions...
#propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainstream #USA #advancedsuicide #stochasticterrorism #violenceculture
@GrimmReality guess what?
This beyond-#StochasicTerrrorism is politically wanted to the point that #Mainstream #MassMedia endorse it through #PropagandaOfTheDeed!
#propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainstream #stochasicterrrorism
@gcblasing also the problem ain't #guns but the #ViolenceCulture and #grooming of #StochasticTerrorists by rewarding them with #airtime in #mainstream #MassMedia through #PropagandaOfTheDeed...
That is a #fact, because obtaining guns isn't the factor that determines the number of #MassShootings per capita at all...
#massshootings #fact #propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainstream #airtime #stochasticterrorists #grooming #violenceculture #guns
@MeidasRomi Again: The problem is the #Violenceculture that #reawards #StochasticTerorrism with #PropagandaOfTheDeed by #MassMedia...
But hating on an inanimate boject is far easier than looking at the facts, because there are nations with more and easier access to firearms yet less mass shootings per capita.
#massmedia #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterorrism #reawards #violenceculture
@MeidasRomi Then I'll gladly be part of the problem you imagine, because if #guns were the problem, we'd not #arrest & #jail shooters!
The problem ain't non-sentient mechanics out of polymers and metals, but the #ViolenceCulture that #rewards #StochasticTerrorism with #PropagandaOfTheDeed.
That's why this is an epidemic unique to the #USA and doesn't happen elsewhere even close that often per capita.
#USA #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #rewards #violenceculture #jail #arrest #guns
@gcblasing what if I told you that #ViolenceCulture, #PropagandaOfTheDeed, #LackOfAccountability and #LackOfConsequences are the real issues and the two things you named are just some of many examples?
#lackofconsequences #lackofaccountability #propagandaofthedeed #violenceculture
@nasser I don't think "blaming tools" is a good option, because it ignores modalities.
Just like with violence, the problem is not with WHAT they do it, but the fact that being horrible towards other living beings is being rewarded.
Not that the tool is #CCSS, #FLOSS or a self-loader like an #AR15...
Regardless if with #capital or #PropagandaOfTheDeed...
#propagandaofthedeed #capital #ar15 #FLOSS #ccss
@andrewstroehlein yes.
#Racism and #Militancy at the borders on one side and #PropagandaOfTheDeed that rewards #StochasticTerrorism at the other.
#stochasticterrorism #propagandaofthedeed #Militancy #Racism
@kevinrns @gdeihl And whilst @AufstandLastGen are busy doing bs. #PropagandaOfTheDeed and being #UsefulIdiots noone will do what is necessary because meaningful actions are criminalized for half a decade if not longer...
#usefulidiots #propagandaofthedeed
@tommyyum It's likely to fail and getting canceled by #SCOUTS...
Also it doesn't adress the fact that it's #ViolenceCulture and #MainstreamMedia doing #PropagandaOfTheDeed that are the problem.
Otherwise nations with even more relaxed legislations and/or bigger black markets would've far bigger numbers per capita.
#propagandaofthedeed #mainstreammedia #violenceculture #scouts
@crazy_pony Ja, das sehe ich als massives Problem...
Merke: All diese Daten und Informationen können und werden gegen die Leute benutzt werden...
Es ist extrem privilegiert von jenen [eigentlich immer weiß & cisbinär-schwulen Menners] wenn diese von anderen dieses #SelfDoxxing abverlangen...
Hat so'n bisschen #Bugchaser-Beigeschmack oder eher #PropagandaOfTheDeed - Beigeschmack...
#propagandaofthedeed #bugchaser #selfdoxxing
@PinkNews OFC #StochasticTerrorists will do #PropagandaOfTheDeed...
Like all #Terrorists...
And I think they need to be prosecuted for their acts of #StochasticTerrorism just like regular #Terrorists for regular #Terrorism!
#dontnegotiatewithterrorists #terrorism #stochasticterrorism #terrorists #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorists
@me considering that they don't cancel #cable and refuse to acknowledge the fact that #mainstream #MassMedia rewards #StochasticTerrorism with #PropagandaOfTheDeed in the form of #Airtime because they #profit from it, this seems rather optimistic...
#profit #airtime #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #massmedia #mainstream #cable
Not to mention the number of cases in the USA is solely high due to #mainstream #MassMedia rewarding #StochasticTerrorism with #PropagandaOfTheDeed, not due to Guns, because there is a far bigger black market per capita for those here...
#propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #massmedia #mainstream
@KarlHeinzHasliP well, if you pay someone's fines or coect money with the intent of paying peoples fines that is legally seen as "rewarding or supporting of crimes"...
It's neither surprising nor unexpected that said reactions were happening.
Also yes, Pipelines are "critical infrastructure" so OFC those charges would come.
What else did @AufstandLastGen expect?
The violated Rule #1 with their #PropagandaOfTheDeed: "Don't get Caught!"
#propagandaofthedeed #notlegaladvice