To those of you who own a CP/M capable kit with either a or a module, there's now a PBM image viewer for your system! Yay!! 🥳​

Note that due to the limitations of serial line speed and ANSI escape sequences, the output on the will be very, very (painstakingly) slow.

If you use the the output is rather quick.

It is also possible to display the image on both, the and the at once but the slow transmission of data to the PiZero will also slow down output to the Propeller module.

The code can be found here:

#cpm #rc2014 #propellervgagraphicscard #pizeroterminal

Last updated 2 years ago

@pikhq it's a nice module, the but note that it is just that. No terminal, no console. @maccasoft also designed a propeller based vt100 PS/2 and VGA terminal module. PCBs for both can be found at OshPark


Last updated 2 years ago

Yay, I can now also read binary format (P4 type) *.pbm files up to a 320x240 resolution and display them on the of my . P4 binary format means smaller files (~12K) and quicker reading of bitmap data.

So now i can read and display the following bitmap sizes:


320x240 mode required some additonal bit flagging, but other wise works like a charm!

P.S.: I also rewrote the I/O code for reading the files.

Code will be published soon, stay tuned!

#bitmap #propellervgagraphicscard #rc2014

Last updated 2 years ago

producing more 1-bit 256x192 images to test my code for loading and displaying these on the for the

This time cat "Otto" got his turn ...

#pbm #hitechc #propellervgagraphicscard #rc2014

Last updated 2 years ago

Today I wrote some quick and dirty C code to load a PBM bitmap file (P1, ASCII format 256x192 b/w) file and display it on the PropellerGraphicsCard for the RC2014 designed by @maccasoft

The image shows a picture-in-picture setup on my screen with the CP/M console running in a and the output of the Propeller VGA Graphics Card in the PIP-window in the lower right displaying a photo of the official RC2014 sound card moudle I built weeks ago.

#coolretroterm #z80 #rc2014 #cpm #propellervgagraphicscard

Last updated 2 years ago