这个会说、会写、会读的阶级 并不寻求 废除 主宰秩序 —— 只是想要改善它,让 剥削 显得 “人性化”一点,让 不公正不平 等看起来更“民主” —— 因为人们不再想要反抗,而是为阶级攀升、攀附、依附、后门路子、人脉资产、甚至自嘲,而着迷;同时让该阶级在压迫性秩序中占据着更有利的地位,这使得互联网上的口号与大多数人所生活的现实形象截然不同 ……
🧬 《转发评论:“夜来闻啼鸟”》
#anarchism #propertarianism #insurrectionary
Propertarians—neoliberals, “an”caps, and others who work ideologically for the propertied class—imagine that freedom can coexist with private property.
By that latter, I’m specifically talking about private ownership of the means of production, the resources and social processes we use together to materially and socially provision ourselves.
But what if you found yourself completely surrounded—enclosed, if you would, by other peoples’ private property?
Propertarians call this “entrapment” and add a kludge to their logic: if you’re entrapped by someone else’s property, you have a right to an *easement* to transition through their property.
On the other side, most of them* pretend, you’ll find unowned resources you can “homestead” by mixing your labor, transforming it magically into your permanently private property.
There’s a big problem with this idea, though: human beings have been around as a distinct species for probably over 200,000 years and we’ve inhabited most of the planet for tens of thousands of years:
“Even 12,000 y ago, nearly three quarters of Earth’s land was inhabited and therefore shaped by human societies, including more than 95% of temperate and 90% of tropical woodlands.”
There’s no more homesteading unowned land. That ship sailed millennia ago. Private property is utterly incompatible with any meaningful freedom to say no to others. There is no anarchism compatible with capitalism.
#anarchism #capitalism #ancaps #propertarianism #anticapitalism #property #privateproperty #archeology #anthropology
#anarchism #capitalism #ancaps #propertarianism #anticapitalism #Property #PrivateProperty #archeology #anthropology