We would probably had an easier time in if we knew from the start, what we learned from in 2019-ish. That the is , and will tend to be riddled with . If we knew that it would have saved a lot of effort.


#politics #davidgraeber #constructionIndustry #fascist #nazism #cronyism #propertyDevelopers

Last updated 1 year ago

Apologies for not being online.

Money is a value system, is always relevant, though not a panacea and each town is different.

In terms of allocating value, govt have served interests and drained resources from local and , which helps solve other problems.

We're happy you mention "where people want to live/work". The directs a narrative and value system here, its upsidedown and serves an '' class.

#resources #propertyDevelopers #regenerativeag #corporateState #extractive

Last updated 1 year ago

'Seems to' is the appropriate verbiage.

Australia is dominated by real estate speculators and , embedded in govt and via media and to render our govt fascist, including , which are glorified and .

We're led by vandals seeking out rents from the extreme (6x) amount of money our allowed printed, oft on ill-conceived .

#constructionIndustry #townPlanning #politicalDonations #universities #propertyDevelopers #humantraffickers #environmental #centralbank #infrastructureprojects

Last updated 2 years ago

The late had a thing to say about , and .

See (his words) .

Most at the top in the are by definition, and , and the cronyism trickles down to the workers themselves but they (mostly) don't see the fascism — the melding of govt and big .

They think they're communities because that is the of their and masters.

#davidgraeber #propertyDevelopers #landSpeculators #BatshitConstruction #constructionIndustry #fascist #cronyist #privateequity #building #rhetoric #ceo #corporateState #indoctrination

Last updated 3 years ago

While that is a good abstracted "effect of fascism" the story is simple.

> Facism is the melding of govt with .

In the case of , the most fascism over the generations has stemmed from and finance, but we see big , BigPharma, and a MilitaryIndustrialComplex, as unwieldy and extremely dangerous bedfellows with govt.

Natural monopolies should only be govt managed.

#bigBusiness #theWest #banking #propertyDevelopers #cageFam #naturalMonopolies #MICIMATT #bigpharma

Last updated 3 years ago

> are illegal.

> Owning more than 1.00 homes is not permitted for more than 1 year. After 1 year home given to nearest resident.

> who in the past 10.0 years have built and sold a place greater than 1.00 storey above the average storey height in a 100m radius around such development are to relinguish other realEstate they own up to the value of that sale price. Such property goes to those who live closest to the offending development.


#blindtrusts #propertyDevelopers #STOPoverdevelopment

Last updated 3 years ago

We don't know who Stonewall are but we are willing to bet they are BigProperty.

Our experience in , is that became glorified , they would spriuk because they and their corporatePartners were using as cashCows to fuel of for exhorbident and short-term profits. The that followed drained the , our economy became a one.

Some say .

#australia #universities #propertyDevelopers #populationGrowth #migrants #construction #highrises #rents #speculativeMania #realEconomy #holesAndHouses #bananarepublic

Last updated 3 years ago

Imagine if built places, but not solely for and cramming more bodies into a space for maximum , but for respect in the .

Should all homes be required to display the name of the builder on an engraved brick plaque, the actual names of the persons who built it not (just) the name or , the actual people.

#propertyDevelopers #speculation #rents #community #company #brand

Last updated 3 years ago

Wondering if a virus that attacks and and other and forces would be good too.

What do these ppl have in common?

Is there a Propensity for Consumption and and Psychopathy combination of that we can target them with?

#propertyDevelopers #gentrifiers #imperial #colonialist #hedonist #Usury #genes #genetherapy

Last updated 3 years ago

We also call for ecological repair. Before concerning yourself with savers (and arguably environment savers too, by extension) please cast your attention to and who wish to profit from land for , and actual .

Bitcoin could be the furthest concern from your mind. It fact it is a remedy to debt fueled .

#propertyDevelopers #landholders #rezoning #urbanOverdevelopment #monoculture #mining #expansionism #warOnSavers #rentSeeking #bigCapital

Last updated 3 years ago

This here toot is proof you really do live in , Australia. Haha.

Was it , or a combination of both?

#Queenland #fracking #propertyDevelopers

Last updated 4 years ago


One verse is about wasteful flippers,

> "Oh I don't like that shade of marble".

One verse is about the asking govt to abuse more migrants.

> "Bomb in those fresh, 'hip-few-gees'. I gotta place above a and across from factories. Park em in my and I'll donate to your election, and we can have em building for who's left in their nation."

#PropertyLobby #trainStaion #property #bombs #hipFewGees #propertyDevelopers #fediLyrics #politicalDonations

Last updated 4 years ago


Similarly, a UBI could easily sprout new independent courses from cast out , they could afford to break from the established , we mean, universities and share affordable and maybe even free courses.

They might band together and start a monthly circular, with a focus on new ideas and concepts.

In some ways started a process like this. It will be interesting to see how and where it might go, if given the opportunity.

#educators #propertyDevelopers #COVID19

Last updated 4 years ago


What's really egregious are the and the chose to head the report — individuals that got us into this mess!

See , shill for glorified (we mean ), the and other and . Two years ago, he was all too happy to make us vulnerable.

Four Corners did a good job of highlighting others on the "commission".

Well done, Four Corners! Maybe, the last in Australia.

#kleptocrats #sophists #corporateState #InnesWillox #propertyDevelopers #universites #MigrationCouncil #speculators #rentseekers #journalists

Last updated 4 years ago


Maybe the worst example of DisasterCapitalism involves paying and millions to use their deserted, as (or glorified ).

And we're sure at some point these people will be put to work to click on soon to get free . We could call it or .

The needs to stop.

#rentseeker #slumlords #propertyDevelopers #highriseHellholes #hotelQuarantine #prisons #advertising #quarantine #reeducationHotels #concentrationHotels #disasterCorporatism

Last updated 4 years ago

Are you being paid to spread anti- , to create consent for a proxy war in .

Or do you do this for personal enjoyment?

We are not fans of China, but how about sharing jokes about how the shipped all our jobs to the place to exploit their people. Or how are glorified for Chinese students.

The jokes we've seen you share are not actually .

#china #propaganda #venezuela #oligarchy #universities #propertyDevelopers #funny

Last updated 4 years ago

They try to highrise slums by saying they fight , but that's a lie. Any observer will see that not only do invest heavily in at the same time, but today's high-density slums produce tomorrow's demand for urban sprawl. As families develop they demand space, sprawl.

Next time you see an of a highrise, look at how much greenery they draw on it. *wink*

#greenwash #urbanSprawl #propertyDevelopers #sprawl #artistsImpression #servingSuggestion #gentrification #children #adhd #housing

Last updated 4 years ago