· @benx
247 followers · 1342 posts · Server kolektiva.social

There's defo issues I had with Corbyn*.

However, anything short of his stance on public housing is bullshit, and I won't hear otherwise.

Houses shouldn't be allowed to lay empty while people are homeless.


*I have the same issues with most other MPs too, though

#corbyn #PublicHousing #propertyistheft

Last updated 1 year ago

John · @autogestion
106 followers · 281 posts · Server union.place

How have we arrived at the present state of affairs, a in which life is still a ?

is claimed by blood and , then used as bludgeon to enslave those who do not have it.

#capitalist #hellscape #struggletosurvive #property #conquest #capitalism #anarchism #socialism #communism #violence #enforcement #propertyistheft

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1436 followers · 3172 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History June 30, 1840: Publication of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's “What Is Property?” Proudhon is considered by many to be history's first anarchist and founder of the philosophy of Anarchism. In the book, he makes the following argument for why Property is Theft: “If I were asked… What is slavery? … I should answer… It is murder! … No extended argument would be required to show that the power to remove a man's mind, will, and personality, is the power of life and death, and that it makes a man a slave. It is murder. Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?” However, he was not the first to say this. Marquis de Sade, in his 1797 novel, “Juliette,” says, "Tracing the right of property back to its source, one infallibly arrives at usurpation. However, theft is only punished because it violates the right of property; but this right is itself nothing in origin but theft."

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #proudhon #propertyistheft #france #sade #Property #slavery

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris · @allisforall
24 followers · 31 posts · Server kolektiva.social

These outrageous acts of socioeconomic cleansing (see thread linked below) give the lie to all the mendacious claims that evictions of poor people’s encampments are about public health, safety, or “environmental impacts”. Even those that are exemplary models of minimizing those impacts are being evicted all over the country to appease landlords and upper-middle-income gentrifiers who have many times more detrimental effects on the local community and global ecology.

This is not about public safety, the environment, or even “quality of life”. It’s about maintaining extortionate housing prices and propping up the system of rentier capitalism by comprehensively criminalizing the mere act of existing anywhere, in any way whatsoever, without paying the banks and landlords their monthly pounds of flesh and engaging in the consumer economy at a level that the wealthy consider “respectable”.

There is simply no conceivable moral justification for this legalized neo-feudal protection racket, where if you don’t keep making skyrocketing extortion payments every month, the landlord / “property investor” class sends a band of sadistic psychopaths with guns to rob you of your belongings and displace you from your home by violent force.

This is happening practically everywhere and every day across the entire USA. And it’s not going to stop until people of conscience start organizing in large numbers to say, “No more! We won’t be forced to pay rent to live on the earth where we were born!” Every time these thugs show up for another round of evictions against the most marginalized people in this country, they need to start finding themselves faced with overwhelming resistance, including support for elements willing to engage in vigorous, forceful self-defense if necessary. That’s the only way we’re going to keep these crimes against humanity from continuing to accelerate.

This is, for me, on an equal footing with the climate and ecological emergency as the most urgent domestic problem in the US today, and it is inextricably intertwined with all the others. If we have no right to exist (and no, something we have to purchase is not a right - it’s a commodity), then none of our other rights count for a goddamn thing. This country’s unhoused people are on the front lines of one of the most crucial and urgent social justice struggles of our time, and need a hell of a lot more solidarity than they’re currently getting. Let’s all step up!


#housing #housingjustice #socialhousing #homeless #houseless #unhoused #rentstrike #righttoexist #propertyistheft #capitalism #simpleliving #police #minneapolis #minnesota

Last updated 1 year ago

I Like Books · @I_Like_Books
409 followers · 2869 posts · Server strangeobject.space

@youronlyone hiding from thieves is a good thing

#propertyistheft #anticapitalist

Last updated 2 years ago

𖤐 November 𖤐 · @XaetaRhythm
12 followers · 112 posts · Server kolektiva.social

The homestead principal is bullshit. Nobody should be able to claim exclusive rights over natural resources or intellectual property just because they discovered it first.
Personal property is justifiable when you acquire it through your own hard work. Private property in land can never be justifiable since land is not a resource that can be created. Landowners don’t have to add anything to society to appropriate obscene amounts of wealth; they simply need to hold a monopoly over what should otherwise belong equally to all members of society. Landed/intellectual property is then, by its very nature, theft. When you claim the exclusive rights to natural opportunities such as land or ideas, what you are essentially doing is robbing others of their own natural rights to use that place/idea.
This is (part of) what many anti-capitalists mean by “property is theft.” We aren’t talking about property in the personal sense (i.e. your stuff), we’re talking about realty and IP.

(Of course, there is also an argument to be made that “property is theft” is also used to refer to private property in capital—the ‘theft’ bit referring more to the appropriation of surplus value as profit by the bourgeoisie—but I digress.)

#anticapitalism #Georgism #FUCKlandlords #propertyistheft

Last updated 2 years ago

Adrian Riskin · @AdrianRiskin
142 followers · 1276 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Robbery is theft with threats of violence, but it's not possible to sneak away in secret with land. Without violence there's no private property. Property isn't theft, it's armed robbery with the police as the weapon.

#anarchism #anarchy #capitalism #propertyistheft #PrivateProperty #Property

Last updated 2 years ago

Corvus Editions · @humanispherian
163 followers · 315 posts · Server kolektiva.social
MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1000 followers · 1915 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History March 28, 1849: French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was sentenced to three years in prison for anti-government writings. Famous for the saying, “Property is Theft,” many believe that he was the first person to call himself an anarchist.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #proudhon #propertyistheft #prison

Last updated 2 years ago

I Like Books · @I_Like_Books
364 followers · 1670 posts · Server strangeobject.space

@trwnh @evan


Money should not be needed. No one asked to be born. All things necessary to live should be provided by society. (decent & healthy food and water, housing, healthcare and more). Supporting each other and advancing things are what society should be for.

#anticapitalism #basicincome #ubi #propertyistheft

Last updated 2 years ago

I Like Books · @I_Like_Books
364 followers · 1670 posts · Server strangeobject.space

@owlislost @amaditalks

The properties should be declared abandoned and then opened to the unhoused to use.

Short of that help them break in.

#propertyistheft #antibank #anticapitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Adrian Riskin · @AdrianRiskin
90 followers · 541 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Deep sociological insight from an anonymous Google maps user -- although the physical beginning of the Walk of Fame is ten miles north of this spot, without a century of violence against South LA, including coercive rent extraction, there's no Walk of Fame, no Hollywood, no movie industry, no Los Angeles even. This is indeed where it all begins.


#losangeles #southla #SouthCentral #hollywood #walkoffame #slausonavenue #westernavenue #TheRentIsTooDamnHigh #elrentoesrobo #propertyistheft

Last updated 2 years ago

Corvus Editions · @humanispherian
155 followers · 243 posts · Server kolektiva.social

From elsewhere: For Proudhon, property could be "liberty"—or a useful tool for the production of liberty—precisely because it was "theft." Also, by the stage in his career where he explained himself on that question, "liberty" was not necessarily treated as a good in isolation.

#proudhon #anarchism #mutualism #propertyistheft

Last updated 2 years ago

Debtstrike and Rentstrike · @global
7 followers · 15 posts · Server kolektiva.social

We need new forms of actions.
Like all occupations actual there is a big violently eviction in a village called Lützerath in the so called Germany. For coal and mainly for the big money of a concern.
In solidarity and full of gratitude with the people giving their blood and liftime for this fight.

But to be honest.
There is going a lot of activist energy going into this fights.
And in the end there is not a real chance to fight against armed armees of assholes, chased by money, greed and wealth. And a state monopol of violence at their back.

But what if we take them their backbone?
How could our resistance get more creative and more effektive?
How can we pierce them to their hearts?

Right, at the money.
Stop giving them your money.
They pay these armys by your workforce, by your taxes, by your debts/interests (…) and by your rents.

If we manage, to cancel all these shit all together nearly at the same time and forever?

What do you think will happen?

Do you think they can evict so many people from their flats, when we are all in solidarity with the occupiers?
Do you think they can build up so many prisons, to imprison all people stop paying their debts?

Do you want to play this game forever?

Imagine you an nobady got debts. You habe to pay a rent. You don't pay the taxes.

How much more money and freedom do you have than?

Imagine all neighbours are in solidarity, if they want to evict one of us and every time many cops have to come.
Yes they can't handle that. They are not enough.
Everybody is affected from this capital system.
So we should be many and we have to be in solidarity.

Supportstructures, decentral/local organisation, support for discriminated, for the weak, for those who are in fear, for young and old people (…), for All.
Destroy powerful positions.

Participation, decentral/local for ALL

The earth belong to all of us and herself.
And not to those, which already have enough and the control of the armys.

shows us, how it shuld looks everywhere.

Don't pay anymore. Prepare and wait for good moments.

#Lutzerath #dontpay #debtstrike #taxstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #occupy #propertyistheft #fuckthesystem #fuckTheCistem #anarchy #acab #noborder #nonation

Last updated 2 years ago

Debtstrike and Rentstrike · @global
7 followers · 13 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Deutsch unten

In solidarity with all rentstrikers!
Small rentstrike at a university in Manchester/UK.
But why so afraid with the claims?
Why not striking the complete rent and why not forever?

In Solidarität mit allen Mietstreikenden!
Hier ein kleiner Mietstrike in Manchester.
Aber warum so zögerlich?
Warum nicht die ganze Miete bestreiken und warum nicht für immer?


#rentstrike #manchester #landback #noproperty #Property #propertyistheft #Mietstreik #EigentumIstDiebstahl #hauserdenendiedrinwohnen

Last updated 2 years ago

Debtstrike and Rentstrike · @global
7 followers · 13 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Deutsch weiter unten

It is important, meaningful and correct to squat flats, houses and land.
Above all in times of poverty, distress, and hunger there should be free accommodations for Ⓐall people.

But it is not enough, if only a few people are doing this.
Therefor it needs a mass movement, which resist the power of banks and the class of proprietors.
Their weapon are just cops and evictions and they are less that it looks like.

Build local structures of solidarity. Be ready. Squat (your) flats, houses and land, what you really need for life.
Take back, what should be everyones property!

Es ist wichtig, sinnvoll und richtig Wohnungen, Häuser und Land zu besetzen.
Vor allem in Zeiten von Armut, Not, Elend and Hunger muss es kostenlose Unterkünfte für Ⓐlle Menschen geben.

Allerdings reicht es nicht, wenn dies nur ein paar Wenige tun. Es braucht hierfür eine globale Massenbewegung, die sich der Macht der Herrschenden Klasse der Banken und Eigentümer*innen widersetzt.
Ihr Waffe sind nur Cops und Zwangsräumungen und sie sind viel weniger, als es aussieht.

Schafft solidarische Strukturen, seid bereit, besetzt (eure) Wohnungen, Häuser und Land welches ihr für euer Leben braucht.
Nehmt euch zurück, was allen gehören sollte.

#debtstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #squat #occupy #noproperty #propertyistheft #anarchy #schuldenstreik #Mietstreik #landstreik #besetzen #Besetzung #keineigentum #EigentumIstDiebstahl #anarchie

Last updated 2 years ago

John · @autogestion
16 followers · 62 posts · Server union.place
thomkennon · @thomkennon
32 followers · 124 posts · Server mastodon.social
thomkennon · @thomkennon
128 followers · 786 posts · Server mastodon.social
OrdabChao23 · @ordabchao
82 followers · 1668 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I keep seeing this quote:
"When you own your own breath, nobody can steal your peace."
Thing is; Ya don't! No , you don't own your own breath you cannot keep it- go ahead try to keep it. I'll wait. If you pass out , I'll check to see you are breathing again!
You Own nothing! not even this body. You may C O N T R O L alot of things- for a brief flash of time . But owning is another question!


Last updated 3 years ago