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‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ will be published soon by Cambridge University Press: https://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
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#criminallaw #labourlaw #tortlaw #Tort #contracts #contractlaw #landlaw #propertylaw #administrativelaw #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #historyoflaw #history #sqe #llb #lawschools #lawschool #studyinglaw #introductiontolaw #legaleducation #lawstudent #lawstudents #law
Absolutely fantastic rant with a beautiful #history lesson and thoughts every open source and free software fan should find familiar...
Watch "The Grotesque Legacy of Music as Property" on YouTube
#copyright #propertyLaw #music
#music #propertylaw #copyright #history
#law #university #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #legaleducation #legalhistory #feminism #criticalracetheory #anglosaxons #anglosaxon #norman #normans #plantagenet #plantagenets #magnacarta #blackdeath #tudor #tudors #stuarts #stuart #thecivilwar #constitution #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #criminallaw #tort #tortlaw #contract #contractlaw #propertylaw #landlaw #trusts #equity #labourlaw #commonlaw #courts
#courts #commonlaw #labourlaw #equity #trusts #landlaw #propertylaw #contractlaw #contract #tortlaw #Tort #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #constitution #thecivilwar #stuart #stuarts #tudors #tudor #blackdeath #magnacarta #plantagenets #plantagenet #normans #norman #anglosaxon #anglosaxons #criticalracetheory #feminism #legalhistory #legaleducation #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #university #law
Stephen 'tWitch' Boss Reportedly Died Without Will, Wife Allison Holker Boss Files for Half of Estate | https://www.theroot.com/stephen-twitch-boss-reportedly-died-without-will-wife-1850093657 #communitypropertyintheunitedstates #entertainment2cculture #allisonholkerboss #ellendegeneres #allisonholker #humaninterest #videohosting #propertylaw #companies #twitchtv #allison #stephen #twitch #holker
#communitypropertyintheunitedstates #entertainment2cculture #allisonholkerboss #ellendegeneres #allisonholker #humaninterest #videohosting #propertylaw #Companies #twitchtv #allison #stephen #twitch #holker
Will The Real Black Journalists Please Stand Up | https://www.theroot.com/the-callout-black-journalists-media-news-reecie-colbert-1850068175 #entertainment2cculture #socialissues #propertylaw #politics #sports #title
#entertainment2cculture #socialissues #propertylaw #Politics #sports #title
Why do we get #scam phone calls and scam texts? Why is so much #labor and potential #productivity wasted?
It's #MisallocationOfResources - and the cause is #capitalism.
When there are few #legal means of making a decent living, the choice is either #poverty or illegal #work - and it's still work.
#market #MarketEconomics #UnitendedConsequences #PropertyLaw #InvisibleHand #FreeMarket #BrokenWindowFallacy
#scam #labor #productivity #misallocationofresources #capitalism #legal #poverty #work #market #marketeconomics #unitendedconsequences #propertylaw #invisiblehand #freemarket #brokenwindowfallacy
So yesterday's check on whether livery of seisin is still legal in New Zealand led me down a #LegalHistory rabbithole.
Section 58 of the Property Law Act 2007 (which prevents conveyance by livery of seisin) is entitled "Abolition of obsolete estates and rules", by which one might conclude it was only abolished in 2007, and indeed Hansard records MPs expressing this opinion.
So I then checked the Property Law Act 1952, where section 15, forbidding livery of seisin, has the marginal heading "Certain assurances abolished"
Ditto section 44 of the Property Law Consolidation Act 1883: "Forms abolished"
And likewise section 13 of the 1842 Conveyancing Act: "Forms abolished".
Technically this was not an Act of Parliament but an Ordinance of the Legislative Council, passed in the second year that NZ was a British Crown Colony.
So livery of seisin has not been legal in NZ for the entire duration of European settlement!
#legalhistory #newzealand #propertylaw #LiveryOfSeisin
RT @hartpublishing@twitter.com
Read a free sample chapter from the latest volume in the Modern Studies in Property Law series by Sean Thomas on ‘Smart Homes’ #PropertyLaw https://bit.ly/3USP1rO
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hartpublishing/status/1601597629678354434
(re) #Introduction for new instance
While my background is in philosophy and film, I currently research real estate in the title industry while I prepare applications for JD programs. Legal advocacy is important to me so I’m working towards practice in #CivilLiberties #VotingRights and #ReproductiveJustice in the US, but I’m also hoping to formalize my knowledge in #PropertyLaw.
#introduction #civilliberties #votingrights #reproductivejustice #propertylaw
Currently, I am prepping to apply for law/dual degree programs where I hope to work a balance between advocacy in #VotingRights, #CivilRights, #ReproductiveJustice, and academic research in #PropertyLaw, #ConstitutionalLaw, #PoliticalTheory #Linguistics & #PhilosophyOfLanguage.
Another area of interest is the relevance of #ProcessPhilosophy for language, metaphysics, and cognition.
Also, I am a reader of fictions, fixer of old typewriters, fan of cats.
#votingrights #civilrights #reproductivejustice #propertylaw #constitutionallaw #politicaltheory #linguistics #philosophyoflanguage #processphilosophy
I have mixed feelings about this, because some of what I spend a lot of time engaged with is from an exclusively critical perspective, but here are my "5 to 7 hashtags" ... with the caveat that I may not be who you think I am. Please read the preceding in an appropriately foreboding tone.
#discardstudies #propertylaw #inequality #publictheology #landrelations #trees #urbex
Hi everyone, I'm a law professor into law & technology, legal interpretation, property law, & private law theory. Recently, I've written about blockchain, privacy, data governance, and artificial intelligence.
I also tinker with code, data visualization, & legal datasets through the Legal Data & Visualization Lab (LDVL) at @IUMaurerLaw
#introduction #law #LawProf #LawTech, #PropertyLaw #Interpretation, #PrivateLawTheory #Blockchain, #NFT #Crypto #Privacy #Data #AI #DataViz #Code #lawtwitter
#introduction #law #lawprof #lawtech #propertylaw #interpretation #privatelawtheory #blockchain #nft #crypto #privacy #data #ai #dataviz #code #lawtwitter
#introduction Hi all, Ph.D. candidate in the English Department at Brown.
Interested in forms of law and forms of literature (particularly the Anglophone novel) throughout the 20C.
Authors of interest include #forster, #woolf, #lawrence, #achebe, #selvon, #murnane, #rebeccawest #alexiswright
Other areas of interest: #postcolonial #lawandliterature #marxism #hermeneutics #badiou #ranciere #criticallegalstudies #criticalracetheory #propertylaw #settlercolonialism
#introduction #Forster #Woolf #lawrence #achebe #selvon #murnane #rebeccawest #alexiswright #postcolonial #LawAndLiterature #marxism #hermeneutics #badiou #Ranciere #criticallegalstudies #CriticalRaceTheory #propertylaw #settlercolonialism
I work for a #uklawfirm so for legal content relating to the following areas, then please feel free to follow me. #familyownedbusiness #landedestates #trusts #assetprotection #wills #probate #powersofattorney #courtofprotection #catastropicandseriousinjury #agriculture #ruralproperty #pensions #pensionslaw #charities #charity #charitieslaw #socialeconomy #propertylaw #education #educationlaw #employmentlaw #ukemplaw
#uklawfirm #familyownedbusiness #landedestates #trusts #assetprotection #wills #probate #powersofattorney #courtofprotection #catastropicandseriousinjury #agriculture #ruralproperty #pensions #pensionslaw #charities #charity #charitieslaw #SocialEconomy #propertylaw #education #educationlaw #Employmentlaw #ukemplaw